Large Scale Central

Purpose of this forum

Hi folks

The purpose of this forum is to act as a repository of drawings, images, files, etc, of anything railroad related. You can either upload the file, or post a link to it as a message.

Nice addition. Thanks Bob.


This could be used as the “market” where people could trade/barter, swap, etc… their drawings (or their money) for other drawings, or they could post “buy” offers. Like a super-list.

The only drawings people give away are drawings that they either stole or that they got from a magzine. No one gives away original drawings that they worked for years and decades to find, and/or spent hundreds or thousands of dollars to buy.

Think about how to create a super-list that would combine the; “what you have” and a “what you need” (to trade) from each post and get those two collums into a super-list where everyone could see what was available and what was needed. That would get the trading started!

There are only two ways to get those Original Builders Drawings, also called blueprints, taht you need for your replica RR projects. Without stealing from someone else, your choises are:

(A) Spend lots of Money, or other tradeable commodity to buy your sets.
(B) Get your own drawing set and trade your set for other sets that you need.

Anyone wanting to work on getting thier own set (that no one else has yet), let me know. I have a list of sets that still need to be gotten and made accessible for trade, and you could use that one set to build your entire collection from, one trade at a time.

To start off the super-list, I’d glaldy be the first to post what I have to trade and what I still need.

Happy hunting and trading!

Interesting first post. Careful about using that wide paintbrush and calling everyone that shares drawings and plans a thief. That is far from the purpose of this forum.

Look at what’s been posted here. Ray Dunakin’s fabulous photo sets of old buildings, etc. Links to repositories of freely available photos and drawings, etc.


I would cordially request you spend some time reviewing the posts in this forum. There are plenty of examples of members sharing information freely without ‘hooks’. I for one do share what I originally create with others in the hobby, as we are of like minds in the first place.

I would echo Bob’s comment about a paintbrush and add that for Bob to post known magazine articles/drawings may be a clear issue of copyright. I would NEVER knowingly endanger our host in that manner. For the most part, if you are interested in a specific data set, post. If it is available, I am sure someone will chime in with what is out there.

Welcome aboard!

Bob C.

What BOB said…both of 'em. Its a sharing hobby.

Spank im good Boomer;)

Before you guys pile on, does your exception fit the following;

“they worked for years and decades to find, and/or spent hundreds or thousands of dollars to buy”

That would fall outside of everything brought up so far.

If you guys want to give your drawings away, be my guest, and I have given away plenty, but not the ones that cost a fortunes and/or took years of effort to get (and most of my good ones did both). Only some of them are mine to give away anyway, so if I did give most of them away I would be stealing, on the the others, I would just be a fool.

I’ve had guys criticize me for not “sharing” before. What they mean is that I can keep buying all the expensive sets and they just want it for nothing. I will not state my opinion of those users, but I bet you can guess what it might be.

Loco112 . said:

This could be used as the “market” where people could trade/barter, swap, etc… their drawings (or their money) for other drawings, or they could post “buy” offers. Like a super-list.

The only drawings people give away are drawings that they either stole or that they got from a magzine. No one gives away original drawings that they worked for years and decades to find, and/or spent hundreds or thousands of dollars to buy.

Think about how to create a super-list that would combine the; “what you have” and a “what you need” (to trade) from each post and get those two collums into a super-list where everyone could see what was available and what was needed. That would get the trading started!

There are only two ways to get those Original Builders Drawings, also called blueprints, taht you need for your replica RR projects. Without stealing from someone else, your choises are:

(A) Spend lots of Money, or other tradeable commodity to buy your sets.
(B) Get your own drawing set and trade your set for other sets that you need.

Anyone wanting to work on getting thier own set (that no one else has yet), let me know. I have a list of sets that still need to be gotten and made accessible for trade, and you could use that one set to build your entire collection from, one trade at a time.

To start off the super-list, I’d glaldy be the first to post what I have to trade and what I still need.

Happy hunting and trading!

you’ll forgive me for stealing your words for a moment, I hope. But i must echo what has been said above. I believe Bob, the Benevolent Dictator, of this site started it and nurtured it for the sharing of information amongst it’s members, to further the hobby. A site which he shares freely with any who come on board.

I have builds posted on this site which took hundreds of hours to accomplish that are shared freely with any who follow them or who ask me questions about them. With attitudes like the one you show above I believe this site would have died long ago. Part of the enjoyment of the hobby is sharing it with others.

I do hope your attitude changes, if you stay here for more than the post you have given. If you don’t want to share, maybe you could pay Bob for the use of his site, or take an ad out if you want to sell everything.Or find a site that fits your attitude.

If you’d like I’ll gladly let you gaze on my post for a fee, can you be honest enough to be on the honor system and just send $.50 cents to Bob every time you read my postings ?

My apologies to Bob for the rant

Loco 112, you are welcome to buy an advertizement and see what happens.

That’s the honest way to do business, isn’t it?

Cool…what’s he selling Steve?

He wont be gracing us with his presence any more…

Shame. Bob 1 ; Trolls 0

He’s going to be missed, not. Glad you took care of him. I had a feeling he was going to be a problem.

As much as giving a troublemaker the chop is fun, he gave himself this one. Emailed me to close his account, and insulted every modeler on the site, myself included. Nothing we do is worth his time, nor of any value, apparently. And I would be much happier if I kept you all out of LSC and let more of his type in. Who knew?

I was kinda curious about what was going on in the background, but figgered if it was any body’s business, you’d keep us informed…:wink:

I sent him a back-channel message, basically a slightly more stern version of what I posted after his first message:

A word to the wise, [name].

You’re really not going to make any friends here with the attitude that people that share their research and what they work on are fools. Being part of LSC you are expected to show a bit of decorum and mutual respect for everyone on the site, and you will be accorded the same. I run LSC for fun, because I love the hobby. People that join who have an axe to grind, a chip on their shoulders, or a “my way is the right way” attitude don’t last long here.

You’re welcome to be part of the site, but your first post hasn’t won you any friends.

He fired back with all guns:

Bob, delete me. delete everything, the last thing I want to do is talk one of of those goofs later on. Your guys are all what the rivet counters that buy and use blueprint sets call “napkin builders”. Meaning they will use sketchs and napkin drawings to build to. I am a blueprint builder, and thats like fire and water together, it doesn’t work. I went through the forum and did not find one useful bit of info or posted drawing that I could use. If I stayed, I’d never find a thing in that list of guys, we are going in different directions. I think if you had a reliable way to keep the “napkin builders” out, you’d be a lot happier in the long run, but do what makes you happy, and thanks for treating me fair, even though I am brash. I’m nearly finnished collecting anything, and I’m impatient and freustrated with the same guys that build to notes on napkins, so it was inevitable here. You have a lot of those guys, maybe they can make you some money some how, I sure hope so. If you (only you) ever need to find any real original drawing set for something (3’ NG), contact me (Loco112 everywhere) I’ll find them for you, and sell them to you at cost, but they are never what I would call “cheap”. I pay for a forum to operat also, fully its all me, and its thankless, but I decided initially to hold out all the napkin builders from day one, it was the right thing to do, and man did it piss them off. I have made more progress in my collecting over that time (without them) than I could have in the same time with them and have had no troulbe at all. You’ll hear about my grand scale RR one day, feel free to contact it when that happens and you can come ride. It’ll be in Texas though. Take care, [name]

Woo hoo! I now have a new title: “Napkin Builder” :slight_smile:

Or maybe “Napkin Builder Goof” :wink:

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I think you get the add-on of “Goof” after your tenth napkin build. Sort of like year stripes or oak leaf clusters…

So, I wonder if Rooster or Ken will build a “Builder’s Napkin Factory”?