Large Scale Central

The Legend of the Napkin Drawing

Thanks Boomer. That was fun to remember with you.

Welcome Home Boomer!!!

I think that I made his Sh#t List, when I told him that we re-built 315’s tender from hand drawn planes, and it was better then the original. Blasamy It could not be better cause we didn’t re-use the original Blue Print, even if it did have an error in it, we should of built in the error, YOU CAN’T build anything correctly with out the blue print that he was willing to sell you for a big profit.

Thanks Boomer. BTW, Green Chile Cheese burger w/ fries for lunch.

Dave Taylor said:

I think that I made his Sh#t List, when I told him that we re-built 315’s tender from hand drawn planes, and it was better then the original. Blasamy It could not be better cause we didn’t re-use the original Blue Print, even if it did have an error in it, we should of built in the error, YOU CAN’T build anything correctly with out the blue print that he was willing to sell you for a big profit.

Thanks Boomer. BTW, Green Chile Cheese burger w/ fries for lunch.

So the truth comes out that Dave pissed him off.

This all your fault Dave!

Welcome Back Boomer… :slight_smile:

Boomer has it almost straight, but those are the basic facts. If you want the truth-truth, start in this thread

Read the third post in that thread, my reply, and his reply a few down from there. This was this guys FIRST POST to the site. I replied in public with what I did (the post below his first one) and sent him the following email:

A word to the wise.

You’re really not going to make any friends here with the attitude that people that share their research and what they work on are fools. Being part of LSC you are expected to show a bit of decorum and mutual respect for everyone on the site, and you will be accorded the same. I run LSC for fun, because I love the hobby. People that join who have an axe to grind, a chip on their shoulders, or a “my way is the right way” attitude don’t last long here.

You’re welcome to be part of the site, but your first post hasn’t won you any friends.

He replied to that email with this:

Bob, delete me. delete everything, the last thing I want to do is talk one of of those goofs later on. Your guys are all what the rivet counters that buy and use blueprint sets call “napkin builders”. Meaning they will use sketchs and napkin drawings to build to. I am a blueprint builder, and thats like fire and water together, it doesn’t work. I went through the forum and did not find one useful bit of info or posted drawing that I could use. If I stayed, I’d never find a thing in that list of guys, we are going in different directions. I think if you had a reliable way to keep the “napkin builders” out, you’d be a lot happier in the long run, but do what makes you happy, and thanks for treating me fair, even though I am brash. I’m nearly finnished collecting anything, and I’m impatient and freustrated with the same guys that build to notes on napkins, so it was inevitable here. You have a lot of those guys, maybe they can make you some money some how, I sure hope so. If you (only you) ever need to find any real original drawing set for something (3’ NG), contact me (Loco112 everywhere) I’ll find them for you, and sell them to you at cost, but they are never what I would call “cheap”. I pay for a forum to operat also, fully its all me, and its thankless, but I decided initially to hold out all the napkin builders from day one, it was the right thing to do, and man did it piss them off. I have made more progress in my collecting over that time (without them) than I could have in the same time with them and have had no troulbe at all. You’ll hear about my grand scale RR one day, feel free to contact it when that happens and you can come ride. It’ll be in Texas though.

And now you know the rest of the story…

Welcome back, Boomer…


Yes it’s great to have you back Boomer!

I even remember some one went as “Shawn the CAD”

Boy I love this site!

Bob thanks for every thing you do and put up with!(

Bob McCown said:

If you want the truth-truth, start in this thread

Oh my, I guess my memory is better than I thought it was…now if I could just remember important things I’d be all set.

Hehehe, the following is based on my long time in kit modeler going back to as a kid in the 70’s.

The basic problem with “blueprint builders” that I have observed, is that they very rarely actually finish anything. They are soooo obsessed with getting everything absolutely correct it takes them years to build anything. Now that’s fine if you are building an individual model car or model airplane, I’ve seen some incredible models that were total scratch-builds where every bolt is accurate. I’ve also seen grown men almost come to blows over who’s identical aircraft model of the same plane was “more correct” to prototype. Now that’s one thing because the models are static objects, its easier to build solid forms that only have to look correct, but try it on a working locomotive and now you have to incorporate motors, wiring, circuits, etc. That means compromise, and that complicates the process, now its one thing to do this in HO or even O, where there is a huge parts selection that usually guarantees finding correctly sized materials like wheels or details, but switch to LS and now the only way to do this virtually necessitates the use of a milling machine, simply because the pool of available parts to choose from is extremely shallow, now say that one day your going to have an entire room sized large scale model railroad layout based on the “blueprint builder” mentality and what your basically saying is, “I’m not going be anywhere near finished before the next millenia”

I am the Blueprint Builder anti-christ, hell, half of my builds were done with no plans whatsoever, based on NKP (no known prototype), it just “felt right” when I built them. But I like that, I like the results, and I have a load of fun building them, which in the Blueprint Builders religion "fun "is heresy punishable by death by angry beady eyed glaring.

…meh, big deal. I’m having fun, and instead a pile of blueprints and a 1/10 finished 15 year old model of K-36 483 as on the morning of Dec 12, 1947, I have a display shelf full of zany expression of my own creativity. Does my work give these guys conniptions? I certainly hope so, because they need to relax and lighten up, this is a hobby that’s supposed to be about fun and enjoying yourself, and expressing yourself. But they make it a job and an unplesant job that’s like being an IRS tax accountant when you want to be doing plein air painting on a beach.

It all just sounds, so extremely… un-fun… (


not me btw (

Oh, and welcome back Boomer

Vic Smith said:

Hehehe, the following is based on my long time in kit modeler going back to as a kid in the 70’s.

The basic problem with “blueprint builders” that I have observed, is that they very rarely actually finish anything. They are soooo obsessed with getting everything absolutely correct it takes them years to build anything. Now that’s fine if you are building an individual model car or model airplane, I’ve seen some incredible models that were total scratch-builds where every bolt is accurate. I’ve also seen grown men almost come to blows over who’s identical aircraft model of the same plane was “more correct” to prototype. Now that’s one thing because the models are static objects, its easier to build solid forms that only have to look correct, but try it on a working locomotive and now you have to incorporate motors, wiring, circuits, etc. That means compromise, and that complicates the process, now its one thing to do this in HO or even O, where there is a huge parts selection that usually guarantees finding correctly sized materials like wheels or details, but switch to LS and now the only way to do this virtually necessitates the use of a milling machine, simply because the pool of available parts to choose from is extremely shallow, now say that one day your going to have an entire room sized large scale model railroad layout based on the “blueprint builder” mentality and what your basically saying is, “I’m not going be anywhere near finished before the next millenia”

I am the Blueprint Builder anti-christ, hell, half of my builds were done with no plans whatsoever, based on NKP (no known prototype), it just “felt right” when I built them. But I like that, I like the results, and I have a load of fun building them, which in the Blueprint Builders religion "fun "is heresy punishable by death by angry beady eyed glaring.

…meh, big deal. I’m having fun, and instead a pile of blueprints and a 1/10 finished 15 year old model of K-36 483 as on the morning of Dec 12, 1947, I have a display shelf full of zany expression of my own creativity. Does my work give these guys conniptions? I certainly hope so, because they need to relax and lighten up, this is a hobby that’s supposed to be about fun and enjoying yourself, and expressing yourself. But they make it a job and an unplesant job that’s like being an IRS tax accountant when you want to be doing plein air painting on a beach.

It all just sounds, so extremely… un-fun… (

Yep. As far as I can tell, this guy has never actually BUILT anything. I did a bunch of googling of him with his usernames, his email addresses, etc. He is always talking about his collection of blueprints and how they cost a fortune, blah blah blah. But I havent seen ANY INDICATION he has actually done anything with those blueprints besides let them gather dust.

Maybe he collects blue prints like some collect trains ( never run them " collectors").

Sean McGillicuddy said:

Maybe he collects blue prints like some collect trains ( never run them " collectors").

Probably true, but he insulted everyone that doesnt build using blueprints, implying that he does, and he’s better than us.

He has the “loco” part right…(

I still want to ride on the Grand Scale Railroad, but only Bob was invited, the rest of us are heathens and are in worthy. It to must be an exclusive affair since no one knows about it.

First off…WELCOME back Boomer!

I think I know who this Loco112 guy is. About ten years ago…maybe longer, I posted on a riding scale site about needing some prints for an old Arrowhead Water Car used by Pacific Electric (Southern California) to haul spring water down from the mountains at Arrowhead Lake to the flatlands below. Finding prints for these cars is almost impossible because these were built over 100 years ago and I believe only three prototype cars were built. Arrowhead Spring water is still sold today…in plastic bottles. I contacted an archivist with the Arrowhead Company (dealing with the history of the Arrowhead Company) a few years back and he told me NO PRINTS exist for these cars and he had researched for years!

Well, I got an email from this guy Loco112 volunteering to sell me some prints he had of this car. You don’t want to know how much he was asking! He was definitely a “legend in his own mind” then! He hasn’t changed at all since then. I did some inquiring around in the very large scale community including the Grand Scale crowd and discovered quickly to stay as far away from this guy as possible.

I know of most Grand Scale railroads in the U.S. and all of these builders don’t boast about their wealth or how big their “stuff” is, etc…THIS guy is a real “piece of work” to say it mildly. Good riddance, IMHO.

DELETED. Double post!

Yes, nice to see you back Boomer!!!

By the way, “that guy” was “Loco112”


Good to see you again Boomer.

Good luck and fun for those entering the Miks 2016 build.