Large Scale Central

New shed

The slide saw ???

If it doesn’t look claustrophobic enough, give it time.
The world detests a vacuum and will fill it.


Hideaway stairs to upper story and another to the basement!

Or… since Howard County MD won’t let me permanently build bigger, maybe…


I’ve always wanted a shaft down to a deep bunker, with an adit out to the valley… Perhaps this is my one last opportunity?


Leave it to David to come up with a Hollywood blockbuster of an idea! Lots to consider if you’re building a lair…

  • Will you have a ward like Bruce Wayne or will you be on your own?
  • Will you have to climb into a signal box to change?
  • Do you have a nemesis and what is their name?
  • Would people describe that you are faster than a locomotive an Amtrak?

Lots to consider, but…

  • Can there any better tagline than this?…

I’m Brakeman!


the HOA will have a crap fit trying to peg down a rule that covers adit after they look it up and scratch their heads asking ‘Why did no one think to add an adit to the specifics list’ ?

Especially if you file a legit claim for mining something or other, entitling you do adit-out in some neighbors’ yard!

I think The Bill is right, there’s a movie in there somewhere Hollywood, haha!

Someone say tunnel?


Then he would need to find that rare dragon in the protected area so it could live under his shed!

Just don’t wack him with the newspaper and make him run away.

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That’s amazing, Bob!!

What a tribute to what a dude can do, given too much time, money, youth, and friends encouraging him to crazy and dangerous feats!! Sadly, I lack three of those…

In this multi-part series describing his underground empire (don’t you guys down under have building codes and permit requirements?? [edit – oops, he in the UK, sorry, but same comment for them]), I like this build of his mine cart.

Ok, that’s a series I’m gonna check out. Looks like way too much fun. :laughing:

Yep Cliff, you would get skinned alive downunder - if you got caught. I can think of a dozen beating sticks the authorities could pick from.


Mea culpa, Neil!!

I’ve been pecking away at the last piece of “furniture,” a rolling rack to hold sheet and stick stock / scraps. Just need to sand it, and then on to shelving.

Bruce gave me a RR sign last year, and I’ll put that up on the end wall, near the A/C. And then I thought, I wonder if there’s a clock that looks like that? To go on the other side of the A/C? Sure enough, on Etsy. So I got that, and made a frame for Bruce’s sign to sort of match.

At long last, I think I can put a fork in this project and call it done. Still some drainage and deck stuff to deal with, and all the tools & supplies transfer from the garage, but too boring to post on, let alone read about.

So, here’s the interior all done. The shelving went in yesterday, pegboard / blinds / clock & Bruce’s sign today. And Bruce, that’s your wire shelving over the desk and stock rack, thanks for that and… well so much else!

FWIW, it was really satisfying to be able to set up an outdoor workspace this morning in about 5 minutes, for further sawdust-making work.

Though I began the thread in January, the planning & permitting started in November of '23. I’m glad it’s “officially” done!

So my big thanks for everyone hanging in there with me through this lengthy project and your encouragements and jokes along the way, they’ve helped greatly, as always.



WOW. That really looks awesome. I jealous! I can hardly move in my garage shop / storage area.

Do they make you get an inspection and Certificate of Occupancy ?

My neighbors don’t believe in permits. It will bite them hard someday. I don’t blow them in because I like peaceful co-existence.

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So when do the invites go out for ShedOps 2024? :grimacing:

That looks fantastic Cliff,

Proper man land right next to the railroad. Well done!


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