It is hard to believe, but I am building solo this year! The project, an inspection locomotive (Ka’aahi o Luna Nana)…
…has been an on-again / off-again idea since Pete Thornton ( @PeterT ) suggested it (Triple O - 2024 Plans & Objectives) and helpfully provided a box of goodies he got with an auction lot. The 1:24 gang inspects it in the picture below.
Much of it comes from what looks like a heavily modified LGB 2017D. The boiler, stack, and steam down are all tinplate, I think.
The presumed 2017D deck…
will not fit over my selected chassis, the discarded remnants of my effort to repower an LGB m2075 (battery) with a British motor block ( Rehab of the Missile Sponges Part the Second - Christmas Thom.
The LGB tender in the background of the topmost photo will serve as power, based upon the success of a “pusher” last month to keep Christmas Thomas rolling despite ground up gears ( Triple O vs. LGB m2075 Battery Locos, 2025 edition). Oldest Daughter had previously asked that we keep this one stock, as she likes the color, so it is not really part of the project.
The plan is to loosely base this on our beloved trams, Elias and Silas.
I had considered using brass, as I have sheets and rods on hand, but I had singularly magnificent failures in soldering brass together when we build the plans for Kid-zilla’s submarine ( Submarine Transport for the Triple O . Instead, I plan to take a page from Craig’s ( @ctown2) playbook and try styrene. This means some of my $35 books will be going to white plastic stuff to use as braces and poles and such. Most details I’ll fake as I go along.
The key to this will be to get the old paint off the boiler and to prep the cab for painting, as I think it is the finishing and not the building that will make this vehicle shine. I’ve no idea what the original builder intended, but I hope to keep some of his or her handiwork visible in the end product. Letting the original crafter’s work shine through in a new incarnation is important to me. It gives the end product a legacy and a story.
I’ve warned the kids that I have begun raid the bit boxes and gemuckabuckets! Toujours l’audace!