Your castings are coming out great. So is the wood tank
Your castings are coming out great. So is the wood tank
OK, I finally started laying stones. I have got two sides complete. Hopefully the other two will get done over the next couple of days. Unlike most of you, I chose to wait and paint the stones once they are all glued up. May be a mistake, but we will see. Anyway, here is the progress on the stones.
Geez Dan your casting like crazy. Are you using any of Dave’s stones. Oh I see a few
Oh, yeah. Dave’s stones are coming. The last two sides will be all his.
The wood’s beautiful, Dan. What is it exactly? and did you color it?
p.s…looks like you need to get your prescription refilled…better call Walgreens!
John, the wood is red oak. A friends neighbor replaced the hardwood flooring in their home and I got a whole truck load of solid red oak. Nails and all. I pulled all the nails and milled the flooring into planks that I can use for my RR projects.
It starts out looking like this:
and ends up like this:
Well, except for a little work on the top for the tank, all the building is done. I managed to get the spout and its associated appurtenances installed. I used some of my wife’s costume jewelry for the chains on the spout and counterweights. Still need to run the pipe under the tank, but I will probably wait until last to do that. Next up is painting/staining. I hope to start that tomorrow. The end is in sight and none too soon. I will be out of town all next week, so other than next weekend, I am about out of time. I really need to build a ladder to access the top but I will see if I have time once everything is completed.
Until next time …
It looks great, Dan. Good job.
Great work Dan. That is going to be a nice addition in your engine service area (http://largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
Very nice!
That’s come out really good!
That is looking seriously good. I don’t know if I can’t see it our if its not there but what are you going to do for the fill pipe?
Thanks for the positive comments guys.
Devon Sinsley said:
That is looking seriously good. I don’t know if I can’t see it our if its not there but what are you going to do for the fill pipe?
Devon, I still have to add that little detail. I thought about just sitting it under your snow shed and let the melting snow fill it up (http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif). Seriously though, I think I will just build a column out of the left over stone I have and sit it under the tank to represent the fill piping. I have thought about building a windmill someday and set it by the tank and use it to run the pump to fill it up. I’ll put that on my to do list.
Have I ever mentioned that I truly despise painting. No offense to those who love it or do it for a living, but i just can’t for the life of me make myself enjoy it. I do it when I have to, but I will do everything I can to not do it or get someone else to do it for me. Anyway, I started painting the tank today. I started with the stone foundation.
I’m not sure my painting would pass for a first grader’s work, but there it is. What you don’t see is that the other three sides are all quite different. I did manage to get the Taylor “corner” stone front and center. Do I get points for that? Next I tackled the wood structure that supports the tank. I have to admit, I think it came out ok. I used various inks to get the color you see. I really like it and thought about using it on the tank itself, but it is very custom(read: accidental) and I doubt I could ever get close to it again.
So now what to do with the tank. Our neighborhood Rooster suggested that I leave it and just let it weather naturally. Which, as he so kindly pointed out, is exactly what the 1:1 boys would do. Now, that is right down my alley. Reread the beginning of this post if you don’t understand why(http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif). But, I thought I would see what y’all think. The picture below is how it looks without any painting or weathering. Notice there is a piece of wood setting on the lower right of the tank. It is stained with ink, the color is sepia. I thought about using that, but I really like the natural weathering idea. What say you?
I was thinking left over stone for the fill pipe. Not sure if it would have ever been prototypical but it would look good. Overall this is a nice build. If you really have to put it under my shed . . .Well I guess I could make room. Send it my way (http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif)
Devon, on second thought, I couldn’t do that to you. You would have to add a siding and everything and it would just stress you out too much trying to make the tank fit. So, I’ll just keep it here and see if I can find another source of water. Just remember, I’m looking out for you.
Me vote for sepia (but, then, I never saw a drawing ink I didn’t like). Great build.
John, I give you all the credit for my use of ink. You suggested it last year during the engine house build. They really do bring out the grain of the wood when applied and wiped off. They work well out of an airbrush too.
I like the ink stain too, said the guy using almost new looking wood., but I was going for a different feel with my build