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Waverly Southern RR Mik's Build Challenge 2017

That is a sweet lookin water tank/tower!!

Thanks Travis. I’ve done a little more work on it. As a matter of fact, I am calling the tank DONE!! Now I did start on an accessory building for it today. I don’t know that I will get through with it before tomorrow night but it doesn’t matter since it wasn’t part of the original build. Here is a quick, updated photo. I’ll post more later tonight.

As stated previously, I am calling the water tank done …… well, at least for the challenge. There are a few details I still want to add, but I don’t have all the materials I need so I will just wait and add those later. I did decide to paint the tank using ink. It took some trial and error to get the color close to the wooden support structure. It’s not a perfect match, but it’s hard to tell the difference from a distance. I really like how the ink looks on wood. It really brings out the grain in the wood. I have to give John Passaro credit for turning me on to ink. Thanks John.

So here it is in all its glory. Excuse the mess in the background, I really need to clean my study.

You may have noticed in a couple of the photos a small building sitting next to the tank. I started that today. It will be a simple accessory structure or maybe a pump house for the tank.

I will not get through with it before the challenge ends so I will start another thread sometime this week to chronicle its construction.

I will take some more photos of the tank outside for the final presentation but that won’t happen until at least Tuesday afternoon. This has been a fun project and will find a home on a railroad someday when I get off my rear and build one. Thanks for riding along.

Dan that is a great tank. I love that it is square. The original tank of the Coeur d’Alene Railways and Navigation Company is square (well rectangle). It not a common shape and your looks very good.

Nice work! Dan…

Ok, here is the parting shot.

Very nice and great to see a water tower that isn’t “cookie cutter.”

Looks awesome Dan, I like that you put last years build and this years in the same picture. Also nice to know someone besides me has no layout yet! You can see your firewood on the side of my building next to the smoker

Great looking tank, need one like that for my future railroad.

Dan just saw the glamour shots. Not only is that a top notch build but will be a great pairing with last years shed build. You have the beginnings of a great shop/yard facility.

But a friendly suggestion, I know you said oyu would get back to it but it really needs a fill pipe. I don’t know why that stands out to me but it does.

Devon, you are correct. I am currently building a small pump house for the tank and I am thinking about having all the piping exposed. Not sure if that is prototypical, but I think it would look good to be able to see the piping and fill from the top.

Leave it all exposed, But then wrap it up in something that looks like rags or canvas around insulation, oversize for the pipe size.