Large Scale Central

USA #6 Electric Switches

Good one Steve! :wink:

Mike Morgan said:

David , Greg’s sense of humour is as dry as the humidity in the very pipes of which he speaks .

I do understand about environment , really . I live in one .

I would draw your attention to the following quote from Greg’s post----

“The idea of moisture in these lines is actually pretty silly.”

Now re-read all that comes after with that comment in mind .

I have no wish to be drawn into further argument over this , and will reiterate , if someone implies insults , he cannot expect to get away with it .The getout clause at the foot of Greg’s posts seem to make him think that manners do not matter .

I would have said “I do not agree with that” , where he says “the idea of moisture…silly”


Mike, so maybe he chose his words poorly, or maybe you took him a bit too seriously. I dunno. I have been called silly for my hobbies before, and I don’t take it serious no more.

It appears to me that some folks, the ones who will get offended by me saying so, need to take posts with a bit less of a serious outlook and learn to have fun. After all, this is a hobby, a past time, its not life or death.

holy smokes, enough with the hot air.

But John , we need the hot air to dry the tubes out .


As usual Mike, you have gone to considerable trouble to twist my words or find one little thing to hang on to.

Even though I did say what you quoted, In a SUBSEQUENT post, (that means later) I say:

“David, first, with a dryer, little, if any moisture gets in the lines.”

I stated this, quoted it, and you still insist on quoting something I said earlier.

I’m SOOO glad you are an expert on so many things you have never experienced, while I have had this system about 10 years. Clearly I have been wrong the ENTIRE time, and I must have been hallucinating that the system was ACTUALLY working.

There must be quite a few trains piled up on the arm of your chair. I’m jealous!

I’m still waiting on what to do with all my switches and the excessive moisture, BUT! I’ve actually started selling the excess water to the local nuclear power plants.

Surprise, with the constant bombardment from you, the extra neutrons have converted the thousands of gallons of water to “heavy water”. I’m suddenly rich!

I have nothing to say but thanks, since you have enhanced my life in so many ways.


p.s. I take exception to your decision that your insults are ok and mine are not.

You guys done jacking up John’s thread with bickering?

Apparently not yet… when the bombardment stops I’ll stop.

As long as someone wants to keep it stupid, and personal, I’ll play it back, clearly if this ok with the moderator, then the attacker will continue.


tonight i married the lgb 1201 to the 1203 and tested the connections with a meter, looks like the 1203 is working as i expected.

Once i get the switch motor securely mounted to the usa switch, i can place the switch in service for testing. we will see how it goes.

I suppose , as it seems that some people here do not have a mature sense of humour , I had better desist .

I shall have to dress my humour in a Mickey Mouse suit in future . I shall avoid the use of words of more than two syllables . I can also see already that people are taking sides ; as this is divisive I shall have to stop, I have no wish to see a repeat of previous instances of the same problem .

I shall retire to my armchair full of trains and contemplate on how to sit down without breaking them .

I will endeavour in future to offer advice in words of one syllable . Or even no syllables .


Terry Burr said:

If you go the choke cable route, look at model air plane control lines. They have a flexible (red) outer shell or semi rigid (blue) outer shell and a yellow inner rod. There are threaded rods on the ends and connecting buckles that are brass. I use them on my indoor switch yard and they work well. I have had a chunk outside for two years now from 95 degrees to -20 wind rain and snow. No break down and it’s still flexible, plus it’s cheap. I’m planning on adding it to my layout later on to avoid having to bend over to switch everything.


Anyone going for these then ask the man in the aircraft LHS for “Snakes”…

Thanks Mike, I’m requesting the no syllable option from you… also the no insult option would be fine… a departure to be sure, but what a challenge!


Greg , do not thank me , thank the people that brought me up and gave me the sense of humour that keeps me from stooping to the depths that others aspire to .


Greg Elmassian said:

Thanks Mike, I’m requesting the no syllable option from you… also the no insult option would be fine… a departure to be sure, but what a challenge!



Good luck with that one.

I see the usual ones ganging up again . All you need now are Tony and Toc .


So if people agree with you it’s consensus, but if they disagree it’s ganging up?

Another effective arguing technique, but again won’t work, it’s another hypocritical position.

You know, I’ve argued with the best of them, and one key is not accepting fundamentally flawed foundations to the various arguments…

So, there’s no situation where others commenting may be the consensus and you are wrong? Think about it since you are now also impugning Tony and TOC.

I challenge you to get back to posting helpful information, and really proving what a great guy you are.


Greg, when you finally get me over to DCC, my relay setup will work for the live frog correct?

Greg , for goodness sake grow up .

I gave you the chance to back off with credit .

Now you are just making yourself a bigger idiot .

And unlike yourself , I do not aspire to be a great guy . You have a long way to go before you achieve that and I have no wish to compete with someone prepared to climb over someone else’s back .


PS I apologise to everyone else here for having the temerity to question the self proclaimed guru.

I am sorry that this or any thread got hijacked , thus wasting your valuable time .

Thanks also for the supportive emails .

You cannot legislate for idiots .

Amazing how the discussion about switches gets so political, damn I didn’t even bash on the Aristo Wide Radius Switch either.

I had to re-read this thread and still do not see how it is POLITICAL. Insults and personal attacks yes, but political? I don’t think so.

Joe Zullo said:

I had to re-read this thread and still do not see how it is POLITICAL. Insults and personal attacks yes, but political? I don’t think so.

Yeah well, a leopard never changes its spots or does it?

OTOH changing the switch motors to LGB or PIKO would probably solve the problem in a jiffy, a sealed micro switch would take care of the polarized frog.

Or for a “here you go” solution take this . Caution: that’s what we use on our layout, so there could be a bias.