I should be able to make a reasonable facsimile of a 25’ car using pretty much the same bits Im designing now. Mostly just lengthening the sides and spacing out the vertical ribs. Slope angle looks the same, and the center peak is just bigger, but the same design.
Check your DMs too. I sent ya something.
Nice. How long is that? I imagine the “50” should say “500”?
Size comparison. Top is a 28’ AMS hopper, middle is the 25’ 2-bay, and bottom is the 22’ Bachmann 2-bay.
I reallly like the looks of the 25" 2 bay hopper.
Great job.
Thanks Stan. It’ll use the same ends and slope sheets as the 22 footer, and just the sides and inner piece will be different.
I’m currently noodling over the truck mount and bolster design. I think I need to assemble a complete body with the aluminum channel and get a feel for how it will be laid out.
You have like a 16" wide printer? Wow.
Excellent cad modeling, btw.
Yea, 420mm square, about 16 1/2.
Whoooaaahhhh…OK let’s back the truck up here!!
IF we are accurately modeling an EBT 2 bay hopper then we DO NOT use terms like 420mm as that is a German weapon and not a form of measurement!
A square is also something you smoke while you work with inches, fractions, decimals,etc.
I honestly would accept like 40apples high and 3 fathoms long but certainly not MM!
Whats wrong with M&Ms?
I suppose you could shoot them out of Big Bertha?
Reasonable location. Might move them inboard a bit more, but the height looks right. Once I get a pair of bolsters printed Ill mount some temporary trucks and see how it all looks.
That shot really emphasizes the small size of the trucks
That’s where I went too…
Short hopper prototype assembled. Need a couple minor tweaks but overall I’m pleased. Not 100% correct but close enough for me.
What do you use for gap filling?
I’m going to try using filament and the soldering iron. Ive been using an iron to tack things together, and getting my technique down. Then I should just be able to use an X-Acto knife and trim things before a light sanding.