What are the dates of TrainOps, 2019 ?
Several people have asked me…
What are the dates of TrainOps, 2019 ?
Several people have asked me…
And the answer is ?
Some time in 2019 … I would think … (https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif)
Tentatively scheduled for the weekend of July 26-28, but I’m not 100% sure yet, so I havent announced.
FWIW - My Denver family -1 will be in-town through that weekend, so unless they decide to visit their New Hampshire friends the same weekend Marilyn and I may need to pass. Since they are here for 2 weeks and I’ve already put in for that time off, there probably isn’t a weekend in July that I could get Friday off.
Assuming I don’t make a major life change before July, I should be able to attend this year (no matter the date)! And I have TWO loco options now! (Well… almost…)
Bob McCown said:
Tentatively scheduled for the weekend of July 26-28, but I’m not 100% sure yet, so I haven’t announced.
No pressure, BUT WE’RE OPEN for that weekend. (http://largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
Please let us know when you’ve decided for sure.
Have you decided yet?
Can I come ?
Even you can show up, Rooz. Last year I realized that a bunch of LSCers thought it was a “invite only” event, where in reality its a “Let me know if youre coming, and what days, so we can make sure we have enough lunch/dinner”. I think the only people that have been officially ‘invited’ are the initial gang that helped me get the loop complete a bunch of years ago. Its kind of taken on a life of its own since then.
I remember when, ummm, newp; nevermind; I forgot… (http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
2010 - that was actually back in my working days. Well, actually in my collecting a paycheck days. Working is a word that could be challenged by some people.
Ahhh - so long ago, now I can just plan to be there, unless life gets in the way.
Well we are in April any official word? And are you over that flu yet?
Richard said:
Well we are in April any official word? And are you over that flu yet?
Feeling better. Doc thinks it was probably pneumonia. An aggressive regimen of antibiotics have me functional again, if still wiped out.
But the Official Weekend is July 26, 27, 28. Details as they become available, but its typically Friday is run-what-ya-brung day, Saturday is Op Till You Drop at my place, and Sunday is over at Stan’s.
I am currently working on moving to Rhode Island where i will be starting two jobs. For these reasons, I will probably not be able to attend, but we shall see!
Appreciate the confirmation of the dates… Now we won’t have to adjust the hotel reservations… (http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
John Wilda said:
I am currently working on moving to Rhode Island where i will be starting two jobs. For these reasons, I will probably not be able to attend, but we shall see!
Welcome to Rhode Island.
Bob McCown said:
Richard said:
Well we are in April any official word? And are you over that flu yet?
Feeling better. Doc thinks it was probably pneumonia. An aggressive regimen of antibiotics have me functional again, if still wiped out.
But the Official Weekend is July 26, 27, 28. Details as they become available, but its typically Friday is run-what-ya-brung day, Saturday is Op Till You Drop at my place, and Sunday is over at Stan’s.
OK, after missing last year, I’m sure hoping to make it this year. Reservations made. See y’all then! (https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif)
Thanks for the update and good to hear you are feeling better. See you then
It’s time for the annual “TrainOps is approaching fast, are you going?” post.
If you are going to be at TrainOps Saturday, and want lunch and/or dinner, please let me know. We’re getting ready to order food, and would like a close count.