Large Scale Central

The rebuild has begin

OK, bridge/viaduct wins!

Now to start cutting bents for the trestle!

You listen well, Bob. :smiley:

Now to figure out how to cast a 4’ long, 18" high concrete viaduct…

I think Ray has some experience there…:smiley: :smiley:

Make sure to cast some heavy duty eye bolts into it where they won’t’ be seen. You’ll need a way to lift and transport it. Concrete castings get heavy fast, just think about the weight of a solid 4" thick 14" block. Use lots of rebar and don’t try and lift too soon. Forms can be made out of 1/4" luan plywood - it bends pretty well without cracking. I’ve used a WD-40 like product as a mold release with good result. Motor Oil probably works too.

This from someone who’s only above ground casting is a bridge abutment that cracked because I sunk rebar into living roots and cast it in place. Then the tree grew :o



Bridge deck building continues. Adding guardrails right now, then Ill figure out how to build the viaduct…

“All right. Why a duck? Why a why a duck? Why a no chicken?”

You forgot “then you ford over the stream” … “whya ford, whya no chevy?”

Great movie…

“why you can even get stucco, oh how you can get stuck, oh!”

Regards, Greg

Why would anyone want to ford a stream when they could chevy it?

It makes no sense to me.

I was only fooling. I was only fooling. They’re going to build a tunnel in the morning. Now, is that clear to you?

Yes. Everything–excepta why-a-duck.

I was thinking fill with a culvert as well. But either way it looks good Bob. I remember building my ladders and sub-roadbed couldn’t wait to finish. Now that it’s done have bigger issues as to what I want to do around it. Either way the boy and I have been having a hoot running the trains and playing with landscape issues(big chunks of limestone). I love this hobby. I don’t miss my HO stuff at all either!!
I’m actually enjoying the planting issues and the diffrent kind of plants available. Can’t wait till you get to that point. That in itself can drive a man nuts! Wish I could find an Amtrak F-40PH in this scale(for a reasonable price and reliability).
Love to see all of the work in progress pics from all you guys here.
Oh and Warren…I must add that I was thinking of you about a week ago …running a MUed drag and the wife said wern’t there more cars on that train as it passed?? I said YES, YES there was!!! Instantly stopped the train to find about 1/2 the cars sitting on that track about 50’ back. If it wasn’t for her I would have had an incident like yours on Jen’s layout! LOL…
Once again …looks good Bob!

Sorry didn’t mean to thread jack^^^^^^^^^^^
I’ll shut up :cool:


Thread jacks are allowed here, even insisted upon. :smiley:

Don’t be shy.

Steve Featherkile said:
David, Thread jacks are allowed here, even insisted upon. :D Don't be shy.
In the interests of gender equity, we should have a thread jill or two as well. Or, in honour of the Blessed and Venerable Fred, a gill. Slainte.

Don’t be a dill, Chris. If the jill gets a chill as she works on the hill near Bob’s place, she’ll send him the bill and it won’t be nil and Bob will be eating krill for the rest of his days.

Another thing: never turn your back on a jill in a mill with a quill.

It’s really worrying that I’m stone-cold sober as I type this . . . .

Dave Healy said:
Don't be a dill, Chris. If the jill gets a chill as she works on the hill near Bob's place, she'll send him the bill and it won't be nil and Bob will be eating krill for the rest of his days.

Another thing: never turn your back on a jill in a mill with a quill.

It’s really worrying that I’m stone-cold sober as I type this . . . .

Good lord, man, do something about that quick!

Bob McCown said:
Dave Healy said:
It's really worrying that I'm stone-cold sober as I type this . . . .
Good lord, man, do something about that quick!
A gill of The Venerable's holy water should do the trick. Dave should probably avoid hill-climbing after indulging.
Chris Vernell said:
Bob McCown said:
Dave Healy said:
It's really worrying that I'm stone-cold sober as I type this . . . .
Good lord, man, do something about that quick!
A gill of The Venerable's holy water should do the trick. Dave should probably avoid hill-climbing after indulging. .
. Why? Its more challenging that way. :D
Steve Featherkile said:
Chris Vernell said:
Bob McCown said:
Good lord, man, do something about that quick!
A gill of The Venerable's holy water should do the trick. Dave should probably avoid hill-climbing after indulging. .
. Why? Its more challenging that way. :D
Well, being a kindly sort (Fred will confirm this if he has his fingers crossed), I didn't want to have Dave falling down and breaking his crown -- or his good republican stovepipe hat.

Do you guy’s know what an “asshat” is ? I just got called one on a Volvo repair board I’m involved with?
How do they write it today…“I dunno”… seeking enlightenment on this. I will take the first step and admit it Fred! I am consuming alcoholic beverages (anyone ever drink Troges Beer?)
While debating on “Jack and Jill” I still don’t know what an asshat is? Anyone have teenagers?..I have a 7yr old so I’m not asking him …however he probably knows the answer!
Back to trains
We as a family did Gettysburg this weekend and booked an excursion to do the Mt. Holly trip thorough the apple county’s!
Can that be classified as a “Thread Jill”?
Awaiting new pictures of the rebuild! I need a 1:29 barn or prints to make one.
You got one Bob that you wanna sell since the re-build?
Dave :wink:
P.S. Steve …promoted thread jacking?