Large Scale Central

The rebuild has begin

A bit of work this weekend. Here’s North Burke Yard, a storage yard. Its attached to the back of my garden shed. It will eventually be roofed over with a swing-down side for access. Should hold about 20 cars.

Re-jiggered the track at North Burke a bit, and put in the post for the lift-up bridge that will span the walkway. Next up is the incline to get the track down to the 1 foot level (a drop of about 9 inches) to match what’s going to be the rest of the trackwork in this area.

Geez…get a few nice days and the track gangs go bananas…:wink:

Ive been going through trackwork withdrawal… Bruce and Bart all doing stuff, and the weather here has been terrible…

Bob, did you consider a “gentler” switch in the first position? I would help that S curve if you take the first right and the first left. Looks like you might have room.

Regards, Greg

Greg Elmassian said:
Bob, did you consider a "gentler" switch in the first position? I would help that S curve if you take the first right and the first left. Looks like you might have room.

Regards, Greg

yea, actually the yard ladders come up from from the right now, so that double curve is gone… and Im going to use all #6s here eventually, instead of the small LGB that I have onhand… mostly I wanted to get SOMETHING down here…

Bart asked me to clarify why I chose to have 2 sets of yard tracks, instead of just 4 long ones. The yard is 16 feet long, and I chose to break it up to make car sorting easier. Now I have 7 tracks of about 6 feet a piece, instead of 4 16 foot long ones. What if I want the last car in a string?

Dangit Bob…you and your outta the box thinking…now I gotta rethink my staging yard strategy, seeings how North Burke serves the same purpose as my staging yard…aand theres no gayruntee it won’t become a switchable yard on a future layout…(right after I hit the lottery!)

Why don’t you keep Bob’s ideas in mind, but get some trans running to see what works for you before making another change? Even on the 1:1 guys, yards and locations of turnouts are constantly questioned and revisions are made as opportunities arise. It’s always good to keep in mind what you might do different next time or what would make an area cleaner, more efficient or safer.

And advantage that ya prefab track guys have over us handlayers is the ability to just remove some screws and lift and rearrange tracks. when ya handlay, its all one unit…so one must be absolutely certain of a track design before launching in.

Incidentally the staging yard really doesn’t have an impact on operations occuring at the moment…trains can just be set up as already arrived in the yard instead of rolling in from staging, thats why I’m pushing the construction of the North and South Loops ahead. My revision of the yard plan mostly involves installing crossovers to allow run around movement. and non sequential staging…thus I 'm flexible from using anywhere from 3 to say 6 staging tracks depending…

Ah Bart the advantages and disavantages of hand layed track. I guess I just like changing track plans to often. Later RJD

Today was nice and sunny, but cool. A perfect day to dig up the old track, and weed-whack all the overgrowth. Here’s a view looking North out of Burke.

And looking south

The track will be re-laid on spline and PT lumber, about a foot or so off the ground. Here’s the track that came up. About 100 feet of track, and a dozen switches

Got a bit of track down myself over the weekend. Ran out the plastic spline stuff so I need to run to Home Depot for some more. Got a box of AMS track the other day and I really like the look of that stuff. Awaiting an order of aluminum track from C&OC RW so I can work on some turnouts. Maybe later if I get ambitious I’ll upload some pix…:wink:

Bob McCown said:
Bart asked me to clarify why I chose to have 2 sets of yard tracks, instead of just 4 long ones. The yard is 16 feet long, and I chose to break it up to make car sorting easier. Now I have 7 tracks of about 6 feet a piece, instead of 4 16 foot long ones. What if I want the last car in a string?
I think the decision on whether to have 7 short tracks or 4 longer tracks depends on how many classifications you'll be making. A 6' track is good for only 4 cars or so. A 16' track could also be used for more than one type of classification or can handle more cars of the same classification. How many classificatons do you have?

Went to Home Despot today at lunch, and bought up all their Tuf Board 1x2 (only 11 pieces) At 3.19 a section (cheaper than what the sign said), its not a bad deal. Track work commences this weekend!

If those were 12’ pieces you stole them. They should be more like $13.19…:confused:

Having a free hour tonite after work, I built a handful of one side of Chandler’s Patented Track Spline ™. Not too shabby. I built 16’ sections, and laid then around where I want the track to go. Tomorrow I’ll dig the post holes and get them lined up.

This is pretty cool! They make nice eased curves. I figure a post every 24" should do the trick.

Oooh…do I get a percentage now?

I’m not sure about 24"…I’d opt for a bit closer…

Yeah, I really like those easements…that was the real selling point.

This morning’s progress. I got down about 25 feet of support for the rebuild Burke area.

Believe it or not, the track in the front is level. The yard pitches about 4% there.

The reverse view. The track going up to the right, along the fence, goes to the North Burke storage yard. The track heading into the distance will loop around the crab apple, and come back on the left of the tree (see existing track on left. It will be raised about 5") Off to Home Depot for more Tuf Board!

Bought Home Despot out of 1x2 Tuf Board (30 pieces). Plan to put down a LOT of sub-roadbed tomorrow. YAY Trackwork!