Large Scale Central

The rebuild has begin

Warren Mumpower said:
If those were 12’ pieces you stole them. They should be more like $13.19…:confused:

Around here they usually go for 10.99 for a 12’ section. Less than a buck a foot, which I think isn’t a bad price. Haven’t seen any that come longer then 12’ though. Which is OK, I can get 12 footers inside the van.

Hi guy’s
Not thread jacking and I know I’m a newbie here, but thought I would share what I’m working on.
You guy’s are doing and have done some great work.
This is page 2 in my album
Thanks for letting me share

Welcome aboard David. Your layout is looking good. Bet that really felt good when the locomotive ran under power for the first time… You finally feel like you have accomplished something. :slight_smile:

Is your ladder method in the picture the Tuf Board?

Not really sure what the name of it is, Ric. Just stumbled across it while browsing through Home Depot. Just looked at the sizes then looked at the prices…:wink:

The UPC sticker has the initials TRMPNK on it so I’ll assume it means Trim Plank. Whether thats the Brand Name or just a code the HD uses …???

Next time I get some I’ll look for a name…

I know your question was directed at Ken but I’m using the Tuf Board.
Just hope it holds up like they say?
I know when looking at all the PVC boards it was the cheapest (pre cut stuff) by far.
It is very nice stuff to work with.

It felt great… I was gonna write “You have no idea how it felt running that first loco after sitting in a back room for 5 or 6 years while collecting stuff to run on my railroad.” But I would have looked like a total we todd as you guys have all been there and done that already! Finished about 16’ more tonight after work.
Thanks for the welcome aboard!

Forgot to add…I have only found it at Home Depot???

Trim Plank is a brand name and is carried by both Home Depot and Lowes.

David, Don’t be bashful about getting all giddy running your locomotive for the first time. We all have been there and most of us will be there again some day. Like the guys in the smaller scales, we move or decide to tear it out and start over with a bigger and better layout. It always feels the same…like a 10 year old boy on Christmas morning that just found his dream toy under the tree. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: And if you get into building or bashing cars and locomotives you can experience that over and over and over. I think Tom Ruby’s avatar he uses elsewhere expresses that well. (Kid doing a cartwheel)

Today’s trackwork. The loop around the crab apple (about a 7’ radius).

and a reverse view. There will be a passing siding, an industry siding, and a branchline leaving from this area, and heading behind the blue trellis, and to the RIGHT of the picture, in the garden there.

Looking nice, Bob. I really like the natural easements you get with this method.

Thanks…once I get the passing siding and industry sidings done here, Im going to put some track down and see how it goes.

Nice Frisbee!

Bart Salmons said:
Nice Frisbee!
HAH. That's first base for whiffle ball!

Bob McCown said:
Today’s trackwork. The loop around the crab apple (about a 7’ radius).

and a reverse view. There will be a passing siding, an industry siding, and a branchline leaving from this area, and heading behind the blue trellis, and to the RIGHT of the picture, in the garden there.

Looks real good !!! I did notice that you decided to sink post’s below frostline (I believe) any reasoning for it, as opposed to knocking flat 2x’s into the ground and allowing them to float? I know your above me(state wise) but just curious? I know Bill Logan’s method from what I found used a showcase RR in the upper states(Ohio I believe) using his method and pounding stakes into the ground allowing them to float. Are you sinking posts just to be sure? Or did that(Bills method) RR turn in a roller coaster after the first spring? I ask this question as I have done a good bit of research but perhaps not enough and everyone’s method is diffrent. When doing my own personal research I stayed away from everyone basically south of the Mason Dixon line. Bob are you running track power?..don’t mean to start a huge debate on track/battery just asking? I’m a self employed import auto technician by trade and have and still doing a Victorian home restoration so I understand how it should have been done right the first time? Just trying to fill my little peanut floating between my eyeball’s with as much info as I can. Once again I realize I’m a newbie here and if I’m posting incorrectly please let me know…Otherwise I have a freakin RR to build and I ain’t gettin’ any younger! This forum is great Thanks guys Dave

Forgot to add is that a 7’ radius or a 7’ diameter it looks like a 7’ diameter by the picture?

Based on that frisbee being about a foot in diameter, 7’ diameter seems more logical !

Actually its more like 12’ diameter…

The rebuild continues. Ive got spline down to the old Majestic mine complex, and I just cut a big bucket of spacers for the next 60 feet of spline to go down tomorrow. Ill take some photos of the latest progress in the morning.

Here’s the realigned curve:

Meandering mainline

Majestic Colliery area with the spline laid in the weeds. The track will loop around that pile of dirt, and go over itself, and to camera left. Gaining about a foot in height over a 50 foot circumference loop.