Large Scale Central

The rebuild has begin

And a big ol’ pile of spacers

Ooh…that looks nice! That would be a tad hard to do with sectional track. Now, I’d run a can or two of gray primer along there before you put down the track - but that’s just me. :wink:

I’m using that rustoleum ruddy primer, but Im heading to Home Despot a bit later and gonna get a gallon of cheap flat mixed. Cheaper that way.

Cheaper…but more work. Ah…that’s what youth is good for… :wink:

Anyway, it sure looks good.

I’m waiting for those high tension wires to go in… we don’t need no steekin’ battery!

The ol’ power sprayer works wonders!

Don’t look like water would go through that hose very well and the mine looks like it has fallen on hard times, but the spline work looks great !

I thought it was just the Leanin’ Mine. It didn’t appear that it had fallen on anything, yet.

Everyone’s a critic!

Oh…were we supposed to be critical? :wink:

Bruce Chandler said:
Oh...were we supposed to be critical? ;)
Or, in some cases, go critical. (Heads for bunker)

Lookin’ good to me Bob. Don’t let Bruce pull your leg…after all what does he know…:smiley:

Keep up the good work before winter gets here!

Doug Arnold said:
Keep up the good work before winter gets here!
Last year, I knocked off outdoor work around mid-october, and started indoor projects. It turned out we had a very mild beginning-of-winter last year (in the 70s until mid-January!) This year, I wont make the same mistake!

I bought a heavier jacket just in case! Hopefully I’ll have the train barn done by September.

Trackwork continuing today. Here’s the lower loop. Majestic Colliery Company is on the left. This loop gains about 15 inches of altitude in around 50 feet of run

Looking toward the second unfinished loop. The actual mainline will go RIGHT from here. The loop connection is only for constant running, and will not be used for operations.

Looking back up the yard

The loop in the woods. This is southbound from Burke Yard, and operationally, it wont connect to the lower loop.

Another run to Home Depot and Ive procured enough Tuf Board to complete the second loop. Maybe tonite!

Gotta start painting it, too.