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The offical snow thread

Had a heat wave today 22F. Took the live steam Regner Otto out for some pictures. Nice day for steam plumes although my water filler hose on my spray bottle kept freezing up on me. Guess its all part of the fun when it comes to winter steaming.









Beautiful shots in the snow. Very good. Down South here we are not managing quite as well. 2.8" of snow and ice really snarled Atlanta. We just do not get much of the white stuff. No snow here fortunately… just 4 degrees this AM.

Doc Tom

So cool, I’m going to get one this year;)

Great pics Shawn,

I gather that they are in trouble down south, unable to cope with snow.

Actually when it snows in the UK the whole place comes to a standstill.

We got a few inches of snow this morning, and the highways all ground to a halt. This is the Pacific North West, where it snows a lot, especially east of the Cascade Mountains in Washington state.

Its like everybody forgot how to drive in the stuff!

Hallelujah!!! Snow has finally come to Idaho. We got about 5" today with an additional 4" to 8" expected overnight. This is when I wish I had a snow plow for the railroad. Here’s a couple of pictures.


As always …Nice pics Shawn!


I know Rooster, I think I said that. LOL Maybe next year.

Sean McGillicuddy said:

You need to clean close to the track so mother nature can do her magic.
I run a long handle shovel along the track REAL slow! I do stop when I’m near switches.
The shovel rides the rails and cleans up between the rails also.
I hear rain now and it’s going to freeze up tonight, so not much we can do untill it warms up just a tad!

Soon it will be the official mud thread!! A…Ya

It warmed up enough today that I was willing to get out there. Shoveled the walks around the RR and cleared the track with my hand plow; a piece of 6mm PVC attached to a broom handle. Might be able to run some trains this afternoon.

There’s a railroad under there somewhere…

Ken that’s what my RR looks like although I did plow the line out for some running tomorrow. I expect you to get out there and clean that line. Winter storm warning are up for tomorrow night.

Shawn (napkin builder) Viggiano said:

I expect you to get out there and clean that line. Winter storm warning are up for tomorrow night.

Mother Nature will be more then happy to clear it, when she’s good and ready…:wink:

I like the caption from Ken, “There’s a railroad under there somewhere”. I know the feeling. We received a few more inches of snow the other day and this is how things looked then.

The first picture is looking East from my backyard just in front of my shop and shows Canfield Mountain. The second picture is looking West from the same position and shows the backyard with the layout covered in snow. The third picture shows the bridge filled with snow and the forth pictures shows the trestle almost completely gone. The forecast is for an additional 10" before the end of the week. Enjoy!!!

Nice photos Chuck.

I tried digging out yesterday in anticipation of a inch or 2 of snow coming last night but there was just too much ice. Sometimes the RR just needs to concede that it is a losing battle.

I spent the time yesterday to dig out the tracks!
I spent time running the rotary and the wedge plow but no camera!

Sean McGillicuddy said:

I spent the time yesterday to dig out the tracks!
I spent time running the rotary and the wedge plow but no camera!

Me too, but there were a few spots I just couldn’t clear. Walk Crossing is under a roof drip and completely frozen over.

Video of the Plow Extra in Shawn’s Snow Canyon thread:

We got another 2 inches of snow last night and maybe more by thursday. I refuse to let the snow win. One more snowstorm and all my spruces will be covered.

I just saw we are do for snow Thursday too:(

Sean McGillicuddy said:

I just saw we are do for snow Thursday too:(

Yep and depending on the track could be a foot or more. I hope this will be it because my driveway is starting to look like a ludge run.

snow day