Large Scale Central

The DÜRR 🌵 (A Trilogy in 5 Parts) PART 2

I understand Cliff!
8 is afraid of 7 because 7,8,9

Bridges of wood are evil but steel and concrete bridges are all the rage these days.

yeah! in germany as well.

That looks like more than a 3% grade Korm so it doesn’t count.

Well that settles it for the The DÜRR Trilogy. If I am going to need to learn to form build or weld, we might not be able to connect the planter boxes until we reach PART SEVEN.

may i offer you – completly free of charge – a crash course in trestle building?
not on a shoe string, but with shoe nails.

the most complicated part - making the grade - would not apply for you.

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that was a tramway bridge (they may be steeper)

15 minutes after the 3.00 am tram passed, it colapsed.

a day later the part on the left side of the pic colapsed too.

   The DÜRR Trilogy Part 7:
    " The Planter Boxes "

Coming to theaters near you soon!

This bridge thing is looking a bit overwhelming, even after Korm’s Krash Kourse. I’m thinking Cliff will be giving a Karma Sutro Talk at the unfinished tunnels and the podcast will be called the DÈATH of the DÜRR for part VII.

zere vould be an alternative.

you could squeeze a pool between the steelboxes and build a train-ferry.

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Ooohhhh… Now we’re talkin!

And no digging, a simple above-grounder!

I’m thinking Rick has the solution…

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Heck with that you could land in your neighbor’s (future) garden railroad planter.

Guys! You can’t keep invoking the santa clause! You know I wanna believe! But a…

Anyway, wasn’t the Train-Fairy uncovered by a recent podcast to be that well known influencer from Pennsylvania? :crazy_face:

now you are un-fair! we just wanted to of-fer a fair solution to trans-fer your trains…
argh, fer-geddit!

Well, if the voting is still open, I still like Korm’s solution. Tons of precedence, like:

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a prototype for everything such as…

EDIT: I should mention, I like the idea that Tim cleverly managed getting his port on the skinniest part of his layout, as I feel like I’ve run out of room.

I’m still open to modelling the construction of the Kormsen Canal terminating at Jennings Jetty but I think we all know what this would require…

A Historic Podcast to understand the difficulties the Kormsen Canal company faced building the prototype.

ze Kormsen Kanal Kompany proudly presents:

the first part of the western paraguayan waterway is ready to be inaugurated and flooded.
(in which order depends on who will participate in the ceremony)

the first nearly 4 scale-miles are done and financed.
( z-scale)

Ah the Pißal Kanal.

We have them here too!


can’t you smell the difference?
mine is a water overflow. :umbrella:
and i am proud to have the rights of terrain and content.
yours, if it is yours at all, is for “water” outflow.
and i can’t beleive, that anybody is interested in its contents. :toilet:

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