Large Scale Central

The DÜRR 🌵 (A Trilogy in 5 Parts) PART 2

ABC News-
NEWS FLASH- Startling new information has uncovered a land grab to a LargeScale not seen since the 1960’s when Walt Disney purchased a number of properties under a number of shell corporations.

A tip off recently received from Korm Kormsen an unnamed source from Paraguay, has led investigative reporter Cliff Jennings to uncover the secret expansion plans of the DÜRR, an arid railway deep in the southern hemisphere.

Stay tuned later this tonight for our exclusive interview with Bill Hines on The LSC Report with Cliff Jennings right after the ABC NEWS.

Thank you Peter…

Tonight we share an exclusive undercover report about the unexpected operations expansion of the DÜRR, spurred by special interests from as far away as Maryland & Paraguay to the southern shores of Australia.

We now go to our reporter on site…

”Bill, I understand there is a lot going on down there; can you give us an update?…”


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Thanks Cliff…

We’re coming to you live with a developing story, but with the time difference, we’re navigating some uncertainty on how best to relay this information to audiences on the other side of the International Dateline, where these events may not have occurred yet.

It appears that around the time this photo was posted, a local figure known as Korm Kormsen was among the first to observe this curious development. Kormsen suggested that historically, railroads have often become entangled in land acquisitions—a point that may prove relevant here.

We’ve reached out to the railroad for a statement, but so far, there’s been no response. What’s most interesting is that until recently, this feature was hidden from view, unnoticed by the broader community here in LargeScale Centralia.

Back to you, Cliff, in the studio.

During the preparation of the second bed, as wheelbarrows of soil were getting transferred, numerous conceptual drawings were made.

And in the meantime hills were created and hollows cut out in the planter box as there was room to visualise our ideas.

Water features and hills were considered and plotted.

But as it has been pointed out here, drawings don’t necessarily transfer well to reality.

So we started chalking out the potential points of interest in the planter box.

We drew chalk lines to visualise potential lakes…

…rivers & streams…

…and even bilibongs.

Then of course we completely forgot that we had plants….

…needing placement.

So as we ended up filling the planter box we were back playing on a level surface continuing to place plants in various locations to see what might work.

Oh and thoughts of waterfalls and tunnels continued, to haunt our thoughts, but we needed to see one up close.

And as luck would have it, when we arrived in Sydney to look at these items the store was unexpectedly closed on the day we tried to have a viewing.


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I for one, noticed the (tunnel holes) in both beds when the early pictures showed them. I thought maybe a ground level track connection between the two beds. As dirt was added I wondered why there wasn’t a trough built to keep the dirt from filling in that area, making a ramp/hill to reach the bed level.

Now that you show a small boxed clearing and stated a water feature, is that where the water pump and basin will be located? Will we have to wait until, The Dürr part 5 to find out? (My daughter showed me how to type an umlaut and other symbols, but I forget)

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LOL Thanks for keeping it a surprise.


I was quite surprised at how interested the guys building the parts I am unskilled at, got into the project. The landscapers even wanted to recheck the dimension references that Bob Cope shared.

Wayne, I can’t be accused of not overthinking this project, as we’ve been waiting probably 20 years to have our own garden.

But as you may have surmised, having replaced Plans A, B & C, I too, am looking forward to finding out what is happening with those holes. Hopefully something will be in place before Part 5 of the DÜRR trilogy.

I think I should have adopted the Microsoft nomenclature and gone with DÜRR 3.1 etc, or gone with the Cambodian alphabet as they, at least have 72 letters. :nerd_face:

As for the umlauts, I’m on an iPad and all I do is tap and hold on a letter and pretend I am fluent.

There are an incredible number of other ways. I found this link. :de:

As they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words”, but an umlaut even more, or….

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Well the good news is…

The grass seems to have taken. 12 catch-baskets worth, and the California redwoods have taken off and are no longer at 1:32 scale, but 1:29!

The Bonsai have not died and are being trimmed for double potting.

…and we found a pond on the roadside! Unfortunately Eric, we are giving it away as it did not meet the standards you provided us to be a good pond. I suppose that’s why we found it on the side of the road.

PHASE 1 is providing encouragement for the second bed, but we have had to tackle some settling in the second bed.

Again, we are in the dilemma of making interesting rail crossings vs keeping things simple and not risking our Roundy-Round status.

So we’ve ordered more soil. We found a beautiful creeper with flowers that look like candle flames. It’s going to have to go. As it is doing too well.



without putting down some real track you’ll never see, what goes, and what not!

leave the use of spindly white chalk lines to where they belong - to crime scenes.

just my 150 Guaranies…

ps: in your yellow feaver restricted zone think about using a 90° crossing.

edit - the software robbed about a dozen exclamation marks up there.

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But Korm, one of our good friends says an essential element to any railroad build is the development of the skill in faffing-about. The verb to-devon is now noted to be the preferred “verbiage for unfulfilled dreams” in many LargeScale threads.

Right now, the person who could easily clarify this issue has been notably absent from these conversations. He is probably at the Hecla mine site with 3 things on his mind.

  • I hadn’t even thought of modelling a mineshaft.
  • I really need to let everyone know of this discovery and make a new plan and get on to this.
  • Wow, I wonder how I’m going get out of the bottom this mine-shaft.

So I present our Hecla Hills….

Actually we figured out we needed one tonne more of dirt… yay!

Might need even some more dirt. But Korm said lay track… see what it could look like.

Measurements have been with sectional track and looking to maximise radii for longer sweeping curves.

These are 16000 and 15000 sectional track.

Ok we, thought we had it until the 90 degree option arrived.

Korm is this what you’re suggesting?

Ok let’s give it a go… there’s a 90deg excavation in the background.

This was track placement was getting quite burdomson then I remembered Jim Rowson’s suggestion.

I wished I had done this much earlier.


Glad my lecture on fish ponds paid off! A school of guppies thanks you!

Also, I’m with Korm. Lay, connect, and power track. It is the only real test! And it’s satisfying to see something run, too!


Oh crap, as I read your prior post I was afraid you’d do this!!! HAHAHAHAH!

Yeah, now that’s what I’m talkin about.

VERY cool design. You’ve got two small loops and a big all-encompassing loop.


Be careful that you have adequate tunnel access on that lower line between the boxes. But I’m sure you’ll figger that out.

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poor Bill!
i’m beginning to beleive, that you’ll never understand the spirit of devoning.

as long, as you touch such profane things like shovels and pushcarts, you are intellectually miles away from Devoning.

i meant this:

Yeah Cliff, that’s what happens when you accidentally stare down a camera lens.

I tried the photo trick with rooster, and it turned out ok, but you’d only recognise him if he was crossing the road, to get to the other side,

because he heard a man was laying track.


  1. "In the beginning” Bill joined the LargeScale and made it Central to the build.
  2. And the garden bed was void of trackwork and without form; and darkness was upon the face of the concept. And discussions of Devoning moved upon the threads of Centralia.
  3. But Korm said, Let there be track: and there was track.
  4. And Bill saw the track, and noted that it was good: and Bill divided the light soil from the dark soil.
  5. Then Wayne noticed a hole in the plan and called for clarification. But Bill continued to work in Mysterious Ways. (Mostly mysterious to Bill)

…as you will see…sigh.

Let there be hills.

Let there be valleys.

Let there be crossings.

Let there be pain in the wrists, shoulders and back.

Let there be growing interest and doubts.

This is starting to look over-complicated.

  • And yet we are still not sure of this development.
  • Herself likes the idea of hills, but getting access to derailments have become a concern.
  • On the other hand, we think bridges are an option and Bob had just shown teasers of his build…

But… If we get some more dirt, we can see if we can fit a 3% grade in this planter box. Gawd, I hope this is the right decision. Getting rid of 2 tonnes of sandy loam may prove difficult….


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You have strange looking napkins,

Viewing your pics, I have this inexplicable urge to go out and buy some Tonka equipment… :grinning:

Great progress!!!

Ah, Sean I thought that I would try slip that by your eagle eye. I rationalised that If called it Not the Mik I could sketch it on Not the Napkin.

Brilliant, Bill! But a slippery slope. Such logic might lead to

  • Not the LSC
  • Not the Bill
  • Not the Herself
  • Not the Veal
  • Not the BoxOps

The mind boggles at the ramifications! Universes have exploded on less.

Having said all that, all due respect to Sean, yeah, it’s a piece of paper, carry on.


That’s an interesting suggestion, Cliff. Tonka trucks on the garden railway, huh? Let’s entertain this idea for a minute…
Tonka trucks? Well, we could actually finish the build immediately. Let’s break this down…

  • I mean, I’ve got mountains. I wouldn’t have to worry about sticking to a 3% grade. These Tonka trucks look like they’d handle, what, 22%? More?
  • And there’s mountains near Susanville and I’ve already built a Susanville township. I believe Rick Marty has even climbed one of these hills.
  • Of course, somebody here could walk me through installing a R/C with battery control into these trucks, couldn’t they?
  • But Cliff, according to Wikipedia, Tonka is named for Lake Minitonka in Carver county Minnesota and Susanville is in Lassen county, California.
  • You see where I’m going with this? I would feel obligated to re-badge the whole Tonka fleet, for local accuracy.
  • After all, there’s a prototype for every thing, isn’t there?

Oh, and while we’re at it, anyone wanna check back with Lassen Trucking to see how they feel about switching their fleet to battery-operated trucks? :innocent:

Cliff, I’ll mark this idea as potentially a possible maybe and ponder getting 3% grades in a small garden bed. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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