Large Scale Central


Bill, I’m chuckling, but wondering what in the hades are you referring to? :grinning:

Cliff you’ve been very secretive about those exhumed cercueils with the blue pipe coming out of the chamber of secrets under the house. (And yes, I morbidly looked these synonyms up. :vampire:)

well, Bill, you asked for dioramas.
the following is from a guy in germany:

he models in scale 1:35


Amazing Korm!

Not quite a diorama, but we joined a bonsai club years ago to have trees on the railway. We only discovered these Crash Bonsai displays in recent years.

It’s opened up a bunch of new ideas for us to play around with…


That was at the tender age of 12.
No camera, no money…

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for those with too much time on their hands: the website of that guy, i mentioned above

the text is in german, but the pics are in perfect english.

i have to correct myself - he is swiss, not german.


My type of modeler, I like his work.

first one is content to make a model that keeps standing.
then one learns to make clean, straight and orderly models.
then one learns to make believable models.
then one tries to make weathered = shabby models.
but that guy not only makes shabby models, but believably shabby models!

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Be Warned!
There is a naughty doggie in one photo. :unamused:


Oh, those boxes, haa! The blue hose is from the laser inside, and the vacuum blower is in the box.

The other box is scrap wood for use in the fire pit. It does have lots of old wooden stakes in there though… Call it Vampire Control Center #1. :grin:

I don’t do waybills man I gave that stuff up !

I’m innocent I tell you!! INNOCENT! :innocent:

i don’t understand the meaning, or i don’t find a dog.

Click the link in post #20. Picture #24. I had to find it too.

one doggie is lifting up his leg and peeing on a hubcap! :confused:

I’ve just received the October issue of Narrow Gauge Downunder

And though this book is military in origin reportedly it’s 528 photos walks you through good diorama construction.

i llovve it!

how he modeled the dog. i must try that as well.
(to model such a dog, not to wet a hubcap)

Hmm, seems to have been a while since I intended to post on this. Anyway, back when the ECLSTS was still at York, PA, I created a working model of the Toonerville Trolley. (You have to be old to remember it). My bestest Canadian friend John (Johnny Chuff Chuff, said “you need figures to go with that!” So he created The Skipper, The Powerful Katrina, Mr. Pennyless, Mickey McGuire (Himself), Tomboy Taylor, and a Yellow Dog.

The Trolley sits on a homemade frame with an MDC motor, and shakes like mad when it runs (very prototypical). I used a couple of cartoons as my templates, and it is all plastic warped with a heat gun or hair dryer.
I hope you all enjoy this. Thank you again, John and have a Merry Christmas!


John is also a great FRIEND of mine, and has been a VERY creative modeler.
It’s too bad his health challenges don’t allow him to do much, if any modelling these days.
He is also still one of the proud members of the OVGRS crew, even though he lives rather close to Toronto, and a large distance from Ottawa.
John created a fine image of our friend Ken Brunt…a number of copies were produced for a few of Ken’s many friends, who cherish them greatly.
Fred Mills


It’s very easy to get stuck on this site.

This fellow is based in Brazil.