Hi guys…we are looking forward to the event too…all is well…
It is a weeeee bit warm around here these days. The heat wave is hitting us here…I hope it moderates within the next few days…
Hi guys…we are looking forward to the event too…all is well…
It is a weeeee bit warm around here these days. The heat wave is hitting us here…I hope it moderates within the next few days…
Supposed to be 100 today. It’s already 85 and it’s not even 9 AM! I’m hoping it will be a bit cooler next week…
There is “Supposed” to be a cold front moving in over the weekend…we may get rained out this coming Saturday, but long range still shows it fair for a week later. I’ll do a special “Nude Sundance” on Friday night, just to try to appease the Storm Gods…for a good day on July 15th, 16th and 17th. I won’t forget to offer good holy water to the Sun Gods either…!!!
Bruce Chandler said:
That's a good description of my feelings as well, Ric.I’m trying to decide what to bring this year…
Really looking forward to seeing everyone at this great event.
Getting down to 1 day and a wake up. Van is packed, refrigerator is cooling down and we are looking at what we plan to forget. Right now, we can’t think of anything, but 50 miles from Carlyle, we’ll remember it.
Just don’t forget the passports. Everything else, you can live without for a bit.
Ric Golding said:Andy?
Getting down to 1 day and a wake up. Van is packed, refrigerator is cooling down and we are looking at what we plan to forget.
Ric - When you get to the border, stay with the cars - DO NOT go into the commercial / truck lanes. I made that mistake my first crossing and they were not amused. An inspector had to close his lane and come over to check me through. Fortunately he was a very nice guy and didn’t harass us at all.
I remember crossing into Canada in a rented Winebago when I was a teen. My grandmother always came along on family vacations. When the Canadian Customs inspector boarded to check us through he asked if we had any firearms aboard. Gram blurted out “Why yes, of course we do” which took us all by surprise, including the Customs man. When he asked to see them, she pointed out the Fire Extinguisher mounted on the wall
Enjoy the trip. Perhaps the CT campers can get up there next year.
I half expected to see Andy, this year…what happened ?
Fred, I’m still working on recovering from last fall’s illness… The thought of getting a passport never crossed my mind… I need to work on that…
Hope yall have a great time…
Thanks, Andy…we will all wish you were here.
Any reports yet from the front??? The advance troops should have arrived today.
It’s only Wednesday…Ric called from a point just across the creek from Sarnia Ontario…he will be here in the afternoon on Thursday. Ken should be here Thursday afternoon…
Don Howard is not coming, due to high temperatures…
Fred Mills said:
It’s only Wednesday…Ric called from a point just across the creek from Sarnia Ontario…he will be here in the afternoon on Thursday. Ken should be here Thursday afternoon…
I’m in the process of separating the must-have’s from the maybes…you’d think after all these trips I’d have it down pat…
Went to charge up my railbus and found it wouldn’t take a charge, so I’m swapping out the battery pack in that, too…nothing like waiting till the last minute…
Jon Radder said:
Any reports yet from the front??? The advance troops should have arrived today.
Fred Mills said:That's no excuse!
It's only Wednesday....
Ken Brunt said:
Went to charge up my railbus and found it wouldn’t take a charge, so I’m swapping out the battery pack in that, too…nothing like waiting till the last minute…
This is where the USUCK Modules come into play! Smarty Pants :lol: Have Fun Brother!
There is a NEW feature at Nelson Yard, that will make that crusty Yard Master at Ric’s place grow red with envy…
It would have been great to have Andy meet young Bud Nelson. Crustiness is found in both of them, but Bud has Andy beat, with his new toy. It was installed today…pictures are bound to follow, when Ken, or Ric take pictures of it…!!!
With the rebuilding of Nelson Yard, Andy will be on Ric’s case to rebuild the yard that Andy holds court in…!!!
All is well here…the operation is all set up…the bheer coolers are all lined up…shipments of ice are arriving…there is word that “Rumskies” are in transit…
Extra tents are set up for shade…many weeds were pulled…there is even a new mattress and box spring on the bed for Ken…I even washed sheets and pillow cases for his use.
A shipment of iced tea is close by for Ken.
Even Norm would enjoy this place…no need for an outhouse…two full wash rooms are in service…
Sure would like to be part of the invasion one of these years. It’s just soooooooo far from Preskit. Hope you guys and gals have a fantastic time and that the weather isn’t a real factor.
Have a fun time.
Fred Mills said:I must see this new toy!
It would have been great to have Andy meet young Bud Nelson. Crustiness is found in both of them, but Bud has Andy beat, with his new toy.