Yes Ric…I’m married too…
All is well here. I just have to Contact Jan, to figure outb this year’s menue.
Doug has sent me a suggested venue for the invasion…much like last years…
Things are coming together…
Ken Brunt said:Do you still look both ways while walking across the street?
Yes Ric..........I'm married too............;)
David Russell said:I look both ways before crossing the kitchen :D RalphKen Brunt said:Do you still look both ways while walking across the street?
Yes Ric..........I'm married too............;)
I believe we are at 12 days and a wake up before our departure for another fine adventure. The excitement is building! The lists are being put together and beginning to lay around all over the place. Got to get through this weekend of celebration and then we can start some serious planning and preparation. That’s for me, Jan has been working on this for awhile, already. Let’s just say, we are in training.
Woo hoo! I am getting excited! We’re really looking forward to this one.
The railroad just had another improvement made to it…all is well here…
This improvement will lead to more trackage…soon…!!
I’m excited too…so much so that I wet my pants…!!!
Fred Mills said:Spilt the holy water, eh
I'm excited much so that I wet my pants....!!!
Fred Mills said:I don't know that we needed to know that. I hope our enjoyment does not in any way "Depends" on your control of the weekend.
I'm excited much so that I wet my pants....!!!
Fireworks were last night, outside the marina. If we get through today, without major fireworks inside the marina, the excitement of the upcoming event will fuel us until we are headed to the north. Looking forward to the cooler weather and clean, clear air, plus seeing all our friends.
Ric Golding said:95F in the shade the last two days :P
Looking forward to the cooler weather and clean, clear air, plus seeing all our friends.
If that is at 11 pm at night it sounds like home. It’s all relative. 2 weeks ago we were not getting below the high 70’s low 80 all night and that went on for a full week. This last week has been more like early June weather and certainly more tolerable, but back in to the low 90’s today with a southerly breeze. My desire when I retire is to never be in 90 degree weather, again. It may be tough to achieve, but we all need goals.
Ric Golding said:I guess that leaves Ft.Myers out of the picture..........;)
. My desire when I retire is to never be in 90 degree weather, again. It may be tough to achieve, but we all need goals.
Ric is moving in next door to the IPP&W…think of the “Interchange” traffic that will generate !!..Rumski’s travelling in one direction and Bheer in the other…!!
It hit a max of 56 F here in beautiful downtown Deer Park. What we need is some of that Glow Ball War Ming. If Al can tear himself away from the masseurs long enough, mebbe we’ll have a chance…
Ft. Myers in the winter is okay as lone as the a/c works. By this time of summer and especially when talking to me right after or during the 4th of July weekend, heat is not one of my favorite subjects. I feel like a piece of meat that was left on the grill to long. If this keep up, I’m going to qualify for some affirmative action program.
I think, we are 8 days from pointing the van north. Can’t wait, I always feel like the kid trying to go to sleep on Christmas Eve, when getting ready to head north to see our Canadian friends.
That’s a good description of my feelings as well, Ric.
I’m trying to decide what to bring this year…
Really looking forward to seeing everyone at this great event.