Large Scale Central

The American Invasion of the IPP&WRR for 2010

The “Invasion” continues…all is well…The weather has been warm, but the friendships are warmer !!..


You won’t get pictures, until Bruce, Ken, or Ric get home… Or, at least until the ““Invasion”” is over… They are busy…


We are keeping everyone in suspence…!!!

Did Ric forget to put film in the digital camera??? :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :smiley:


     it could be that they were all very pre-occupied with locos and rolling stock that cameras were overlooked.  aaargh!

Guys; be kind…Ric and Jan have at least a two day drive, ahead of them to get home. They left Ottawa this morning (Or at least the camp-ground where they stayed) Ric was busy while at the “Invasion”. He was deep into learning the full scope of 'YARD MASTERING, in order to better understand how to control the long out of control yardmaster that he has in his employ back home. He also met another yardmaster that has found a home at Nelson Yard on the RP&M, who makes the antics of young Andy look mild…!!! There will be many photos to be seen shortly. A VP of the IPP&W has even done a job of documenting the “Invasion 2010”, on vidio. He will be editing it shortly. The vidio will contain interviews with many “Invaders, and Defenders”, all of whom strongly supported FRIENDSHIP AND FUN, during the VERY successful “INVASION of Friends 2010”

I heard a rumor that Mr Chandler has been ‘promoted’ from engineer to yard-master-in-training?

That “Rumor” is certainly in circulation. How true it is depends on where you hear it from. Young Mr.Chandler is also rumoured to be starting rumorrs, of all kinds, and it may have some connection with the holy water he was testing at the time…!!!

I guess in our excitement to see who’s who and was there, we, especially like me on a small island, overlook the large distances that some folks travel to get to events such as the IPP&WRR invasion and other railroad shows. lol

That’s true, Alan. In MY case, last year I went from Tokyo to London and from London to Ottawa. But I’d guess that Ken was the furthest traveller over that side.

And I can tell that a truly great time was had by all!!!

Looking forward to seeing the pix!

tac & ig
Supporters of the Cape Meares Lighthouse Restoration Fund

Between Ken, Ric & Bruce… Ken lives the closest to the invasion… :slight_smile:

Andy Clarke said:
Between Ken, Ric & Bruce… Ken lives the closest to the invasion… :slight_smile:

I have about a 7 1/2 hour drive, Bruce is closer to 10 hours and Ric’s is easily 18. I got to Doug’s about 3 on Thursday and the party was in full swing.



John Spencer’s Candy train takes a spin on Doug’s layout.


This is a smaller version of his 1 1/2" scale ride on loco. Roger shows us Doug’s 5 way that he plans to install at the entrance to the car shed.


1440 CDST, 21 July, 2010, the Golding cruise is complete and we have arrived safely back at our base camp in the Kaskaskia River Valley. No major trauma, but sea stories to tell. Give us a couple of days to catch up. Thanks to all that provided, entertainment, assistance and interest. Just a little over 350 days until the next Invasion.

Rubbing hands together and awaiting the sea stories!

Roger needs to keep that Train-Li switch out of the sun. My buddy’s has already lost the indexing/locking mechanism (his is likewise at the entrance to his shed and is covered when not in use).

It only took a few months.

I have one also.

Regards, Greg