Almost ready to paint here, just a bit of trim to go:
Almost ready to paint here, just a bit of trim to go:
Great day of modeling (not that the modeling is great, but that it was great fun).
Primed the steam engine, put legs on the water tank, added pilings and got the site prepped on the layout. Here are pics:
And it sees the light of day! Nice !!
Its all come together nicely, Jim. You have a fine model. Are you going to weather the wood or let Mother Nature handle it?
Mother Nature is way better at weathering than I am, so that’s my preferred route. I’ll be weathering the metal bits some, similar to what I’ve done so far. Need to add another layer of grime and dust. Lots of details needed.
Way good Jim, your going to fool around and become a dedicated logging modler before you know what happened!!!
so awesomely well built, Jim! thanks for the detailed build log. If anyone wants to build one , this is a must read
And another piece of Fine Scale hits the Rowson Empire. Great work Jim (
As usual a beautiful piece of work, your attention to detail is amazing, thanks for the thread, Bill
Yea, what they said.
Looking so great out there Jim, wow! You going to enter it in any contests?
Good start Mister, I can’t wait to see how you finish it
Thanks all. Cliff: not so sure about contests. Maybe a local BAGRS one…
Jim Rowson said:
Thanks all. Cliff: not so sure about contests. Maybe a local BAGRS one…
That would be cool. And at least bring it so your local tribe can enjoy it first hand. And please post pics when you do!
Got a bit of time to paint and start to weather the steam engine. The basic paint job here is flat black applied with an airbrush:
And to weather it, I’m using weathered oxide, grime, and dust, all tru-color paint, all dry-brushed on.
Gotta do something interesting to the top of the stack (there will be a spark catcher up there) as I was using that to move the model around during weathering and it didn’t get any love yet.
Wow, very impressive, Jim.
A bit of progress on this today on a number of fronts: cable on drum, start of roof, and getting some of the details going.
Cable on drum:
Start of roof (the “rafters” are just sitting in place while I figure out where the steam engine sits):
Miscellaneous details:
Jim, what are you using for the cable?
Well, sadly, due to a well meaning person trying to help me out, my steam engine has had an altercation with a vacuum cleaner, and then the floor. Hopefully I can get it put back together. Anybody seen any king’s horses or men?