Large Scale Central

Surry Parker log loader and vicinity

Got the water tank on and added a few details…

And I’ve been fiddling with the tent cabins: enlarged the pattern a bit so it had some play, and shortened the framing because it was just looking too tall. Also added a notch in the tent to allow for a heater chimney.

I think I’m ready to get my seamstress going here…

Jim it looks like you have that keg building down to a science now, great build

Jim, every time I see the loader I see more details that make me go … WOW. This has been a fun and educational build to follow.

Great details Jim!


I “dropped track” on this project. All I can say is “Wow!”


Working on a few things: getting the post bases built/painted using styrene and building a fire barrel for the loader.

Here’s a few pics of building the post bases (this is for all 4 tent cabins):

Thank the stars for double sided tape:

And I’m building a barrel using the technique I learned painfully in my delivery truck [link]: pvc center, .04 strips to add bulk in the center, wood strips on the end, and bent wood strips for the staves, with styrene bands. Here’s the barrels I made before:

I painted the pvc + .04 strips black so they don’t show through any cracks between staves, and then added the end strips and painted them red (will weather the ends before trimming and adding staves):


Beautiful work as always

Got a few things done on the loader and tent cabins.

Added lights and a barrel to the loader. Yeah, I know the lights are not prototype but I just like how things light up at dusk…

And made some doors, as I’m working on more tent cabins:

Hope your shelter-in-place is not too hard and that those of us at risk are able to stay healthy.

Well done Jim(

Looking good Jim, takes me back 60+ years when we stayed in half tent cabins at Yosemite.

Had a good chat with other LSC folks the other night (7pm eastern, 4pm pacific every evening if you want to join) and got a bunch of suggestions for details for the log loader. Thanks, gents!

I am listing them here so I don’t forget:

  • guy lines with tent stakes at front and rear
  • hatchet, axe to cut fire wood
  • largish pile of cut wood (I’m thinking of hiding the electrical connections under a wood pile)
  • hose
  • rifle to keep the bears away (probably not a problem when the loader is running, eh?)
  • ladder
  • peevee
  • handsaw
  • more chains
  • outhouse on skids
  • coffee cup and pot
  • dog or cat
  • variety of hooks
  • extra pulleys
  • come along
  • ash bucket
  • case of beer or likker jug
  • water pail
  • rooster’s “homemade sickle”

Can use some of those for the tent cabin area too, plus maybe:

  • animal skins on a rack
  • fire pit with a spit
  • variety of logging tools sprinkled around
  • supplies under a tarp
  • largish pile of cut wood, stump to cut on, axe/hatchet
  • bare bulb lighting
  • rough chairs, tables
  • keg on a rough stand
  • lean to with more supplies
  • pails
  • tin bathtub in a rough privacy enclosure (canvas sides, no roof)
  • latrine or outhouse
  • pile of trash
  • rusted metal junk
  • pathways

Any other suggestions?

[edited to add Rooster’s sickle]

You forgot the homemade sickle !

You are absolutely right Rooster. Edited the original post to add it :-)…

That is necessary !

Love the barrels, Jim, and all the other details, too. Be careful with all these details, you won’t be able to see the loader or the cabin (

Coffee pot hanging over the fire pit.

Coffee pot hanging over the fire pit.

Uh oh, I think Rick Marty just inserted another complicated scratchbuilding project into my little pea brain and I bet I won’t be able to rest until I build this log cart and tractor [link].

Some screenshots from the video he posted:

Is this plausible? To use this at the loading end? The pictures from the video seem to imply it is used at the sawmill, with fairly short logs. My logs will be on the order of 16 feet long.

So cool! Thanks, Rick, for sending me off on this direction…

[edited to fix a typo]

Jim and all,

I’m not certain but with what I’m seeing the carts seem to ride on wheels which are concave on their tread area surface, possibly indicating use on log type rails also. Maybe they are loaded on a log rail system and transferred to a road system and pulled by tractor over the road to get to distant mills(


You need to get a job as you think too much!