Large Scale Central

Startin' Over........Again

Did George Orwell live in Spokane, by any chance???

Back to the topic…

Sure must be nice to live in a place where the gummint lets you live your life. Here in CT I would have needed a demolition permit to knock down the building, but only after a review by a qualified engineer to certify that there was no asbestos or other hazards. Once it was on the ground I would have needed a burn permit to have the fire. Big $$

We would have gotten around that by slowly dismantling the framework from the inside and hope for a windstorm. Once the building fell, it would be clean-up, not demolition so no permits needed. Then cut it in small pieces and burn in a outdoor fireplace to avoid the illegal “open burn”.

Better yet, my youngest son is a volunteer fireman. They love to burn stuff for drills. They could have lit the sucker up and protected the shop and the garage with water curtains :o

Anyway Bart - Good luck on the reincarnation. Looks like you have enough land to keep you busy for many years.


Bryan Johnson said:
I say buy more Guns !
Yeah, but all those armed bears might be, um, "interesting".

Most of the “Sheep” hang out at the “Other Place”…!!!

Along with the majority of "Twits"

I know who you are referring to Fred, but believe me at least one manufacturer’s board has them beat hands down in both the “sheep” department and “twits”. :frowning: Sheep and twits (as well as TOC’s “morons”) seem to go hand in hand. :confused:

Jon Radder said:
Back to the topic....

Sure must be nice to live in a place where the gummint lets you live your life. Here in CT I would have needed a demolition permit to knock down the building, but only after a review by a qualified engineer to certify that there was no asbestos or other hazards. Once it was on the ground I would have needed a burn permit to have the fire. Big $$

We would have gotten around that by slowly dismantling the framework from the inside and hope for a windstorm. Once the building fell, it would be clean-up, not demolition so no permits needed. Then cut it in small pieces and burn in a outdoor fireplace to avoid the illegal “open burn”.

Better yet, my youngest son is a volunteer fireman. They love to burn stuff for drills. They could have lit the sucker up and protected the shop and the garage with water curtains :o

Anyway Bart - Good luck on the reincarnation. Looks like you have enough land to keep you busy for many years.


I absolutely believe what you are saying, but how did it get that way? Any ideas? We are fighting the State and Federal Gummerment here tooth and nail. I suggested to the Chief of Police that all Federal and State Cars be strip searched if they came through town. He thought that was a little harsh, but on the right track. (Right Track - railroad connection)

I swear it feels like the bullies in the higher grades that you had to put up with in school. Amazing how they ended up with flat tires on their cars.

It’s like these morons that move into developments with Home Owners Associations that regulate everything about your life down to the number of sheets of toilet paper you can use. They thrive on someone else setting regulations for their life. They have no clue what freedom is all about. As long as they have their fancy home, fancy car and their toys the world is great. Just leave them alone and let the government run things. A lot of cities and towns are getting that way. And it’s going to get worse before it gets better…:frowning:

Ric -

I have no idea how it got to this. I moved here in '82 and as far as I know most of these zoning laws have existed since before then. The intention is to protect the citizens from developers gone wild, but they end up making it difficult for everyone.

I kind of agree with the burning laws. Houses are close together here. If people had no restrictions they’d have bonfires in their yard to burn debris. Embers end up on neighboring roofs and fires start. When I was a kid near Buffalo, NY, we used to burn leaves in the fall at the edge of the road. I remember the smell was amazing. Cars had a hard time getting down the roads through all the smoke. Turns out we were polluting the air.


It must be a population thing. We just don’t have that many people around here.

We gots an Update…work that got done this week…

Dag nab it… Bart’s having fun again! What are we going to do with him…:smiley:

And all I got outside is more snow…:frowning:

More from The Bunker

Stub switches. Cool :smiley:

That building would have made good kindling! We heat with wood. Keep up the fast progress!

Read about burning the old shed. Wish I could get away with that sometimes. Try that here and get caught and you’ll get hit with a massive AQMD fine for air pollution and an arms lenth of fire code violations… :frowning:

Beautiful days to work outside. Both the 18th and 19th are new. Enjoy! Incidentally, ANyone gotta extra Bachmann Industrial 2-6-0 they’d like to send to a better home? Or know someplace that has them in stock for a reasonable price?


It’s all looking good and taking shape…

Wish the weather around here would allow for some outside work…


I’m jealous. All that beautiful weather. Right now, here it’s 35 F and rain…on top of snow. My back yard is a cold clammy swamp.

Bart, that’s looking really great though. :slight_smile: Looks like a great railroad on it’s way.


Great progress!

Check with Ridge Road Station, they did have an Indy.

WYe not check out the latest?