Large Scale Central

Startin' Over........Again

Bart Salmons said:
OK…little update to the Trackplan…some things are falling into place still have a whole list of industries to position…

Bart, Don’t you need some extra trackage at the turntable/roundhouse location?

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:

Don’t you need some extra trackage at the turntable/roundhouse location?

Yes, but I haven’t made it that far yet…that section is prolly a couple years in the future…

The Continuing Saga is here: in the Articles section, check it fer updatedness and new pics…

Geez, I wish we could get rid of old wood and junk like that. If I were to set a bon fire in my back yard I’d be in jail by sunset…:frowning:

Warren Mumpower said:
Geez, I wish we could get rid of old wood and junk like that. If I were to set a bon fire in my back yard I'd be in jail by sunset...:(
Sounds like a problem with the state you live in, when did you loose control? We don't burn junk or have out of control fires, but all wood gets burned as we sit around in the evening enjoying the end of the day. You guys don't use wood to keep warm? Does it all go to Japan?

Yeah this was more akin to a friendly campfire…I couldn’t just stick a match o it cause of the proximity of the Old Shop and the holly tree which I rather like…Very old, very dry wood…just goes up fast! Didn’t even smoke much…Course all I burned was wood too…thats legal, anything else is a big no no. I have apile of old shingles to haul off…hoping to find someone doing a roofing job. I did keep half the roof though, its going to be repurposed elsewhere …

Good start on the “Salmons’ Saga”. The pictures show a little more of the terrain and the neighborhood. It all should layout pretty good.

Here we can’t even burn wood in our fireplaces during most of the winter. You must use properly approved pellet stoves and pellets…and that is only if your major heat source is from wood.

As for wood to buy…Japan gets the good stuff and the knotty, twisty stuff goes to Home Depot. :frowning:

Do you really have wood police? How the hell do they know what you are burning? Every once in a while you need a good revolt and lynch a few politicians, just to keep them in line. What is a wood pellet? I know what a pecker wood is, but what’s a wood pellet? Around here people burn wood pallets, is that close? :slight_smile: They create more heat and less toxic smoke than the plastic ones.

Yup, we have police for everything… Our government is run by a bunch of nincompoop control freaks. Unfortunately the native Spokanites are a very passive bunch. I had one tell me that it was against the law to disagree with your government. Somebody really has filled their heads with crap.

Sounds to me like they deserve the guv’t they got…:wink:

Around here anyone complains about a woodstove they’re liable to find a shotgun in their face…I pretty much heat the whole house in the winter with mine.

Warren Mumpower said:
... I had one tell me that it was against the law to disagree with your government. ...
Thos. Jefferson must be rolling in his grave.

Yeah. And Ben Franklin sat straight up in his. For some dumb reason these people just don’t know any better. It shows in the every day life around here. Government projects that should have been built in the 50’s are just getting started. Stores are stocked like 3rd world stores…selection is crap and when you complain they just stare at you and drool. I think I said once before I buy a lot of stuff on line now…not just trains…because I can’t find it in the stores and they have no interest whatsoever in providing what I want. So I give my paltry sum to someone who appreciates it.

Warren Mumpower said:
Yup, we have police for everything.... Our government is run by a bunch of nincompoop control freaks. Unfortunately the native Spokanites are a very passive bunch. I had one tell me that it was against the law to disagree with your government. Somebody really has filled their heads with crap.
That's why I live in the county. Wood is the major source of heat for my home, too. I made the mistake of moving into this county from one that barely had a county gummint. Things seemed to go fine there. Wife wanted to be closer to things... :D
Warren Mumpower said:
Yup, we have police for everything.... Our government is run by a bunch of nincompoop control freaks. Unfortunately the native Spokanites are a very passive bunch. I had one tell me that it was against the law to disagree with your government. Somebody really has filled their heads with crap.
Warren, thats why one always have to remember to be the Sheepdog, and not the Sheep. Also remember, as the Sheepdog you can warn the Sheep about the Wolfs all you want, but if the Sheep are too stupid to listen...

Stupid as a box of rocks…:frowning: They love the role of “sheep”.

Warren Mumpower said:
They love the role of "sheep".
'Tis the season: Baaaaa, humbug!
Chris Vernell said:
'Tis the season: Baaaaa, humbug!
Now that's a good one!

I say buy more Guns !

Warren Mumpower said:
Yup, we have police for everything.... Our government is run by a bunch of nincompoop control freaks. Unfortunately the native Spokanites are a very passive bunch. I had one tell me that it was against the law to disagree with your government. Somebody really has filled their heads with crap.
Warren Mumpower said:
Yeah. And Ben Franklin sat straight up in his. For some dumb reason these people just don't know any better. It shows in the every day life around here. Government projects that should have been built in the 50's are just getting started. Stores are stocked like 3rd world stores...selection is crap and when you complain they just stare at you and drool. I think I said once before I buy a lot of stuff on line now...not just trains..because I can't find it in the stores and they have no interest whatsoever in providing what I want. So I give my paltry sum to someone who appreciates it.
No wonder you are always so cynical about politics and life in America. You need to laugh at and challenge those people more. Never be shy about telling those idiots, that they are also stupid. And I absolutely agree about voting with your wallet.