Large Scale Central

Startin' Over........Again

Critical point in the Move to the new World Domination HQ…the Largescale Layout moved…

Now close to where it will be permanently erected…the Cassville Yard is in its THIRD use!

The White building will be demolished, and my Old Shop building will butt up against the layout…Depending on the weather…stuff might get installed starting next week…

Geez Bart. You seem to have a knack at doing things over…and over again…and…:smiley:

Sheesh Warren … didn’t you know that’s the only way to perfection? :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile: He asked as he ducked …

I’m surprized the white building is being demolished, is it structurally in that bad of shape? Looked like a good destination to me. Can’t be salvaged, huh?

Nope…I pressure washed it prior to painting it this past summer and I almost knocked it apart with the high pressure setting…( the fresh paint is all that holding it together I suspect) I don’t think its tied down or has a foundation, it has a dirt floor, so I going to TRY to move it a little ways first, but I suspect it won’t like that very much. Really its not as big as it looks, smaller than the ‘Switch Cabin’ Fred has in his back 40…

Bart Salmons said:
Really its not as big as it looks, smaller than the 'Switch Cabin' Fred has in his back 40.......
Holly cow, it looks bigger than that. Sounds like a bond fire to me.

HEhehe I suspect you are right…I have an Official Branch Railroadian Chiminea …That I can fire up as I work on it in the upcoming days…Hmmmmm sit by the fire on the cooler days…have a hot beverage and contemplate the RR…Fred would be pleased…

Hey Warren, I know just how Bart feels, I’m going on try #3 in my garage layout, still clearing junk out of the way, look forward to reading your progress Bart.

I’m in the same boat. My indoor layout is in it’s 5th incarnation. Outdoors has been disasters. I’ve actually gotten 2 barely started and dreamed about several more. Nothing ever ran on them though.

I’m going to enjoy watching both of you in your madness…:smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

The Whole Railroad is gone today…and The Shop building goes tomorrow…this is Jackson Switch, and all the leftovers on the truck this afternoon…I got enough PT lumber stacked out back at the new place it looks like I’m gonna build a DECK!

But Bart!! You are building a deck…a gravel covered deck…with lots of track on it…:smiley:

With the pile of PT lumber I got out there…I’m sure the neighbors think so!

Aight! We are in! and I can really start planning in earnest. I have the basic idea of what I wanna do with the yard and the Old Shop… Here is the basic area where the debauchery will occur…the old white building will be gone…the Garage is to the far right. Garage is a loose term, used just cause thats what the structure was built as back in the 40’s, now its more storage.

Now heres the plan I got. The plant to the left of the plan is the Holly Tree that appears in the backround of the Old Shop building…that marks the farthest I can extend in that direction and maintain vehicle access to the property.

Not to scale of course…and nothing really set in stone other than the position of the Old Shop and the Yard and Wye. The Concept is very EBTish…think of the Yard as Orbinsonia. All trains come through there. The East Line leads to mining and timbering resources will be the domain of Large Geared Power working mine shifters. The West Line is the original part of the line, (historically speaking) and connects the Yard to the Interchange with the World. Some scenic features I need to work in is a Tunnel…and Industrially speaking a Quarry and a Lumber Mill. Also of Note, the Cutoff doesn’t exist operationally, Merely a concession to display running,breaking in locos, and cycling batteries.

What type of minimum diameter are you contemplating? I’m looking at the “wye” going each direction and with 20 diameters, you are talking about a minimum of 40 ft without the connection leg of the wye. That’s a lot of real estate. Can You or do you feel like going into that storage/garage? There is your tunnel. Gives you more storage for equipment and widens out that track plan that needs to be quite large to turn the “wye” both directions.

Progress is always good, glad to see it. Tis an exciting time. I think instead of saying “starting over again”. Maybe you should be using terms like Version 2 dot 3 or something like that.

Ric Golding said:

Progress is always good, glad to see it. Tis an exciting time. I think instead of saying “starting over again”. Maybe you should be using terms like Version 2 dot 3 or something like that.

More like Version 5.4…:wink:

The garage looks like a good place to run some storage tracks, then again I haven’t seen the inside of it either…:wink:

The garage part there is basically a rough frame add on with a dirt floor…Basically thats where we keep the mowers. I’m wary of putting anything delicate like in there, 'specially at ground level… I’m thinking a small tunnel on the East line somewhere…and a log loading siding somewhere. Would like to put the Lumber Mill on the West Line somewhere and as such the pond should go there somewhere…Also I think I’d like to have a quarry online as well…


Track plan looks good… Glad the move went well for you…

Now, gotta question…

The modules you show in the pictures were raised… Are they still going to be raised???

You have me wondering, as you made the comment about the garage having a dirt floor, and you mentioned that your ““wary of putting anything delicate like in there, 'specially at ground level…””

If your track is going down to the ground, can you give us an idea as to where the grade/s will be???

Inquiring minds want to know, yanno… :slight_smile:


Assuming that the top of the plan as printed here is north…

Why not take a siding off the west line, where you have the west line curving back to head directly south, almost directly west of where the ““Yard”” switches start, and head it south, to slighly behind the ““Old Shop””… The pond can be south of the ““Old Shop””, and you could even run a creek/stream/river/canal/waterway from further east, so that the East Line, just south of the mine area would have to cross the creek/stream/river/canal/waterway…

Just my 2 cents worth

Ok…the Yard Modules…which from here on out I have decided to call ‘Pearce’ will be elevated to the floor height of the Old Shop…I haven’t measured but prolly 12-14 inches. Thehe yard tracks will actually extend INSIDE the Old Shop for staging / storage. This part of the property is really on a slight grade heading uphill from the RR area to the house…The West line will prolly be pretty flat…basically just bending around to the Other side of the Old Shop…I have considered a Loop around the Holly tree for a major grade impact, still noodling with that…the West line however will start a gradual climb after coming round the curve from the wye…the site of the Mine will prolly be several feet above the Yard base level…

The roadbed is going to be all of 2x technology…just like Fred’s and at minimum will be up on 4x4 blocks for support…with rock around the edges for protection to save the track from weedeaters, mowers, errant feet…

OK…little update to the Trackplan…some things are falling into place still have a whole list of industries to position…