Large Scale Central

Rocky Railway no 3 (Trinity) 2-4-0

Joe that’s a nice example of just the sort of loco I am after.

So thanks for the help on the thread in the general discussion, with the help there I think I came up with a decent representation of a cross head feedwater pump system. I go a valve back at the connection with the tender soft line, a couple hangers to hang the pipe from the cab floor, the crosshead pump, and a check valve all pretty representative of a mid 1800’s loco. And in my desire to make this loco come apart easy the whole rig is detachable. Its pinned at the boiler, the hangers act as pins (sprung a little to add tension), and then I drilled and tapped the crosshead for a 00-90 bolt and added a bracket to the pump and it is authentically bolted on. Take out the bolt and then you can just pull the rest out of its holes and you can remove it.

Looks good Devon, but wouldn’t it be better if the feed-water line ran along the frame, behind the drivers?

Probably David but no room. That’s where it was originally planned to go. But not any real space between the drivers and frame. It’s a fight between reality and practicality.

I might yet fiddle with it some and see if I can tuck it else where. Might even run it behind the drivers and under the bottom cover then pop it out again behind the rear driver. I do agree it is kinda hanging out in the wind.

Okay so I agree with David that the location was not right, Joe’s picture showed a possibility I hadn’t though of and that was tucked up against the boiler under the running boards. All the ones I had seen ran behind the drivers down low. But in the real world they ran them where it was convenient not where it was “right”. So i am adopting the mentality. The air pump I am putting on the other side so there was room on the engineers side to put it there. I like this a whole lot mo betta. I had to make a couple unions to splice in pipe and they are a little big but in order to function it was necessary. I will paint them the same color as the pipe (a dark black metallic) and hopefully they will blend into the frame and not be so glaring as they are now. But even as glaring as they are now its not as bad as where the pipe was. And I wasn’t going to start over.

Good work my friend. That looks like it belongs there! (

So in my thread on feed water pumps Joe asked a great question. Does this chassis work? He saw the effort that went into details on my 2-6-0 attempt only to have it be for naught since the chassis didn’t work. So I am sure this was Joe’s very subtle way of saying “hey stupid before you spend months making a beautiful locomotive that doesn’t work why don’t you run your chassis and see if its even gonna work you moron.” He didn’t put it that way and Joe is always nice to me and probably never would put it that way. . .but he should have.

I am happy to say that it works fine. I ran it with the side rods and piston rods all connected and it works like a charm. Its a Bachmann and runs like one, take that however you will. But it is going to work. I am actually kinda giddy about that because part of not testing it was not wanting to face a potential reality of another piss poor design, lol. So I am glad we go that out of the way. I at least have the chance of having a working loco.

PS Joe I may have found a way to salvage the 2-6-0. As I have been building this current one and looking at the 2-6-0 for inspiration I have come up with a way I think to cut out all my old framing and then 3D print a solid piece that can be fitted and give me the precision and squareness I need to make that one work. That would be cool. It is one of the reason I haven’t torn it down. I keep hoping inspiration comes to me on how to make it work. Its such a pretty loco (if I can brag on myself a little) and would be very nice to have running.

Devon Sinsley said:

So in my thread on feed water pumps Joe asked a great question. Does this chassis work? He saw the effort that went into details on my 2-6-0 attempt only to have it be for naught since the chassis didn’t work. So I am sure this was Joe’s very subtle way of saying “hey stupid before you spend months making a beautiful locomotive that doesn’t work why don’t you run your chassis and see if its even gonna work you moron.” He didn’t put it that way and Joe is always nice to me and probably never would put it that way. . .but he should have.

I am happy to say that it works fine. I ran it with the side rods and piston rods all connected and it works like a charm. Its a Bachmann and runs like one, take that however you will. But it is going to work. I am actually kinda giddy about that because part of not testing it was not wanting to face a potential reality of another piss poor design, lol. So I am glad we go that out of the way. I at least have the chance of having a working loco.

PS Joe I may have found a way to salvage the 2-6-0. As I have been building this current one and looking at the 2-6-0 for inspiration I have come up with a way I think to cut out all my old framing and then 3D print a solid piece that can be fitted and give me the precision and squareness I need to make that one work. That would be cool. It is one of the reason I haven’t torn it down. I keep hoping inspiration comes to me on how to make it work. Its such a pretty loco (if I can brag on myself a little) and would be very nice to have running.

Got the running boards build. Still need to be stained. They are pinned in with a little bit of a spring to it so friction holds them in. I also got the blower pipe built, handrails built, and a handrail over the top front of the smoke box. Oh and the oil lines to the steam chest.

Once you attach the pull string it looks like you’ll have a real Drag ----ster!(

The air pump and “upper” steam plumbing is done. Still needs the line back to the tank, most likely on the tender. I don’t really have the room under the running board.

I also made my first major mistake. I drilled the hand rail stanchions on the engineers side too low. You can see the patched holes. That maybe very pretty hard to hide. I will paint it black and then add the silver powder and some more clear and try and hide it. I used one of the repairs to pin the valve for the air compressor. The middle one is hidden behind the pump and shouldn’t be glaring. I might be able to hide the front one with a sanding line.


This is coming along beautifully!


Measure once, cut (or drill) twice. (

This one is for OD, Eric please pass it along, mistakes happens to all of us. This one has been a calamity of errors, but nothing that can’t be fixed or atleast learned from.

One of the things I swore I would learn from the 2-6-0 fail was to paint last after all the fussing about was done. I did not take that lesson to heart. I am pretty sure I am going to have to repaint most, if not all, of this loco. To much handling and taking things apart and putting it back together is taking a toll. But that isn’t the worst problem to have I suppose. I had a minor fit today and resisted the urge to take it outside and bash it with a hammer. After what I thought was a careful job of fitting all the plumbing, when I went to put everything together I ended up with some serious issues of things being in the way of others. After I calmed down and gained my bearings I got it all to fit. And sticking to my goal it al fits by friction fit and can be removed if need be. As I said it all needs repainted so don’t complain about the paint job looking like an elephant dung heap.

If you don’t feel like hitting it with a hammer at least once, you aren’t trying to build something new or difficult so you aren’t stretching. The trick is to keep the hammer stored in an inconvenient spot :-).

Wanna barrow my Dead Blow hammer?

More importantly …

Is it done yet?

Nice looking loco Devon, why you want to beat it up? (

David Marconi,FOGCH said:

Nice looking loco Devon, why you want to beat it up? (

I don’t anymore. . .I resisted the urge