Large Scale Central

Post-TrainOps layout work

Bob, what are you making the girders from?

I know !
It was simply meant as a joke ?

Nice coat of linseed oil. This needs a couple days to dry before I can install the rail.

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The base is a section of 3" square ABS downspout. The girders themselves are 3mm PVC board.

I don’t know about up there but if the humidity doesn’t lift soon that is gonna take forever to dry outside!

Hmmm, did you add the vertical pieces on the girders, don’t think they sell ABS plastic ones here, melt or sag with out heat,


I am amazed at how quickly your bridge is progressing. Your bridge project seems like the perfect topic for a Summer Masterclass.

Would you consider adding some background on your bridge design and some detail on how you are cutting pieces and putting your bridge together?

You’ve got at one student here wanting to enroll.

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Yep. I cut the pvc board into strips of various widths, and used pvc cement to attach them. Then screwed the girder itself to the abs. I have had another of these outside for about eight years with no issues.

Will do, Bill. Once it’s done I’ll build a new thread on construction.

A day later and the linseed oil isn’t tacky, but I can still rub off some of the stain. Going to give it another day or so then install the rail. Rail laid to see how it’s going to look.

Since it’s in the shop if you got an extra box fan you could move some air on it overnight.
Just a thought ?

Last few spikes in, and bridge ties and rail dropped in place. Weather might hold enough to get this connected and the trackwork done; definitely this weekend.


Uphill side of the bridge lines up nicely. Need to build a block abutment here.

Downhill side needs a definite concrete footing, plus I need to trim off about half an inch of the rails here. Started to rain, so the concrete will wait until tomorrow.

And a bit of trimming gets the track connected.


Fred will be happy that you included the guard rails. Looks great!

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Bridge is finished and in service. Plenty of clearance on the approach from uphill.

And the grade is much better to navigate. Only thing left is the uphill retaining wall and a touch of ballast there.


This should work. Get this sealed and painted, and mortared in place, then I can ballast behind it and call this project done.

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that turned out great!!!


A few coats of water-based sealer later, and the retaining wall is ready to be mortared in place.


that looks really cool!

water based? that holds up to the weather?

Yep. The manufacturer of the casting medium I use recommends either water or silicone based sealers.