Large Scale Central

Post-TrainOps layout work

Sounds like maybe the trigger ( trigger valve kit ) needs rebuilding? I get most of my tool parts from here They have exploded views of the tools. The couple I have rebuilt had O rings that looked good but when I put the rebuild kit in I was good to go. I did have one that the main body must have been worn out because the rebuild kit still leaked. Hope this works for you. I have a seldom used framing nailer too and could not justify replacing it, they are very handy to have.

About 40 more ties to go. New brad nailer should be here tomorrow. After that, I’ll stain and treat the wood, then start figuring out if I want to just spike the rail, or do something like what @Stan_Ames does and braze some tabs on the rail and screw that down to the ties.

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to me it looks, as if you forgot the same thing, i had forgotten on my trestlebridge.
some longer ties, for waterbarrels.

I dont generally like the water barrels on bridges and trestles if they’re going to be near where someone can walk, because I’ve snagged them before.

Also, this bridge is 160 feet long, and according to the Pacific Great Eastern Railway MOW rulebook:

  1. Fire protection water barrels must be placed at all wooden bridges and trestles and at all steel bridges with wooden decks. At each such bridge or trestle 30 feet or less in length one barrel must be provided. At each such bridge or trestle over 30 feet in length a barrel must be provided at each end… and at intervals of 150 feet and on steel bridges with wooden decks at intervals of 200 feet along the deck

And the N&W Railway Standards Drawings:

Water Barrel Platforms to be placed on all bridges over 300 ft long.

So, I’m gonna ignore them for now.

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thanks for the info.
i just remembered, that somebody mentioned, that my trestle missed barrels.

What does the rule book say about “refuge” spaces?

Section 3.14: Run for your life!

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This is the trade-off between prototype modeling and functionality for a railroad with multiple operators. Sometimes the walking path doesn’t quite fit in with the model scene being presented. Not having a clumsy 250 pound op trip over something and destroy a whole section of track, or a village is definitely worth the trade.

New brad nailer arrived. Lighter than the one it replaced, and is adjustable, which is nice to not drive the brads straight through cedar.

Working on the first coat of ebony stain. About a quarter done, but it’s too hot in the sun to continue. Will begin again tomorrow morning.


Nice job, there is a point where prototype and models must take diverging routes, while water barrels and guard rails and other fiddly bits are great for indoor layouts, they can become too much to care for with the people ,wildlife , trees branches and so on make it where we have to draw a line. While some will see what’s missing , 98.9% will just see a cool bridge , trestle or whatever…

Deck stained. Love the way it’s coming out. When this dries it’ll get a slathering of linseed oil.

Meanwhile, started work on the girders.


It will be interesting to see how your technique (separate stain and oil) ages compared to mine that was mixed and done in one coat. So far, mine has faded nicely, but is still solid.

Yea, who knows if it makes a difference or not. Time will tell, I guess.

Anyway, one side of the major parts of the girders are done.

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Girders done, and have a coat of semi-gloss black.


And set sort-of-in-place, to get it out of my shop. That block pier will be supporting the center.


BD Bridge - Copy


Now you need one more right here and you have some amazing photo ops!
Twin through trusses with twin deck/plate girders then throw in a concrete viaduct all within hallowed ground, add a plastic pink flamingo and call it done!


Yep, that far bridge might be a Warren truss, like this, but smaller.


NO…KINDA like that …you were just complaining about water barrels now you wanna model the walkway and safety railing? Which I don’t get anyway as the RR’s don’t want you walking the tracks so why put up a walkway?

If you ever worked for a railroad, in the running trades; you would understand the need for “Safe walkways” on bridges, and often over culverts, and other obstructions. Safety is a major concern, when a train has to be inspected, or checked, in emergency situations, and walking the train is not something anyone enjoys, but it has to be done.
The walkways are definitely NOT meant for the use of TRESPASSERS. Talk to a railroader and find out about these things…