Large Scale Central

Post-TrainOps layout work

Whipped up a spacing jig for the bridge ties. Should speed up assembly.

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Sure is! Looks fascinating.


Good reading, but mine is somewhat different. Since I was pressed for space, I used a Roco three-way turnout, which allowed for more generous siding lengths. Still, the entire switching (shunting) puzzle had to load as a unit into the cargo area of (then) my 1981 Subaru GL wagon. I carried both modern era (for 1981) and grouping era shunting locomotives and wagons plus the power packs in a large fisherman’s tackle box. And used the “tiddlywink computer” featured in an article in Model Railways magazine to randomize wagon selection. That version is OO, but I had a similar track arrangement for the yard on my former garden railway.

Regards, David Meashey

And like any good jig, it went through a couple iterations to end up here.


Those are some nice beefy beams Bob.

Pin nailing them? How long are the nails? Of maybe a different type of fastener?

And do you bother with Titebond (III), and does it really hold after several years?

Echoing Craig, Bob, can you post a track plan to help everyone understand the line, and the mod’s you’re doing?

Glue and 18ga pins. Seems to hold up pretty well so far.

I dont currently have a track plan, I’ll have to draw one up, but my layout changes a lot so I’ve never really bothered. :slight_smile:

Do not forget the official napkin plan !

Craig, here’s Bob’s track plan.

A little out of date. The protrusion toward the house doesn’t exist anymore, and a whole bunch of other track has been put in, but you get the idea.


Would you consider sharing your jig stl. on your Printables site?

Here ya go, Bill

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My ancient and venerable Craftsman brad nailer finally stopped working. Not surprised, it’s something like 25 years old. While I figure out how to fix (or just buy a new one) I’m still making progress gluing ties.

I’ve got a framing nailer that refuses to fire every time I go to use it. I take it apart to try and fix. Can’t find anything wrong so I put it back together and it will work fine until I set it down for more that a few minutes! Rinse and repeat! I don’t use it often enough to replace.

I’ve already had this one apart a few times. The safety widget gave up the ghost a few years ago so I had to bypass that. Just took it apart, and the anvil that is driven by the electromagnet solenoid is warn thin and broken. Ugh. Replacement time!

More power ugggg ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

About a third done with gluing bridge ties, so I thought a quick mock-up of rail and guards would give everyone (including me!) an idea how it will look.

Does it fire and not drive a nail or not even fire ? I have one new, it will fire but no nail, oiled the rail and it is getting better.

I was gonna say oil , oil , oil (I like 0/20 mobil one myself) on everything and it usually buys you time …lol

Gonna edit to say I just reread as suggested and it sounds like BD’s gun is electric and not pneumatic !

Here’s what is looked like in 2019…but only more from the ground. :innocent:

And 2022…

Another 2022…

I have LOTS more, but I really want to thank EVERYONE that does this sort of thing- it’s a LOT of work and Jean & I REALLY appreciate it. Lots of fun for the attendees. :grinning:

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Does not fire. Leaks the air when trigger pulled. Open, clean, lube & assemble then it fires.