Large Scale Central

Portable Pizza Layout

Information comes from many sources. You don’t have to open every box of Cracker Jacks, just the right one. The source sometimes even comes from small brown bottles with yellow caps. Keeping your eyes and ears open, always allows you to pick up many ideas. (A large number of them totally worthless and truly screwed up, however I digress.) If you keep a smile on your face, those that don’t accept you as a friend, will always be concerned about the smile and what you know or might do.

As a most desirable young lady told me in my junior year of high school. “Death is nature’s way of telling you to slow down”. It wasn’t long after that, that she slapped me. But, it still was a great year. :wink:

I’m still thinkin’ boobs!

Finally figured out what to do with that left side

Folding leg supporting drop down leaf on the left side

Nice and tight there Victor, looks like you’re getting the hang of those pizza layouts :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks for fixing the link

Victor Smith said:
Thanks guys. I've got it wired up and am doing scenery now.

Its a Mack alright, LGB Porters and Stainz runs OK, as does most any of the really small two axle stuff, on the 21" circle. pulling is kinda limited, cars should really really be ball bearing type but I’m too poor to have any.

The upper circle is Arist 21" dia, the lower is hand-laid 32" dia. Both are standard 332 code. I made the lower loop the year before Lewis came out with his pizza circles, and beleive me as gratifying as doing the hand lay was, if I had to do it over I would use the ready made track as spiking it down and staying in gauge was a royal PITA.

Everyone has room for a Pizza, even you Tom :wink:

i remember way back you mentioned aristo makes track smaller then the 4ft. was i dreaming that? if they do where can i find it. I dont see it.


20" Diameter, Mini Circle of Track, Aristo Craft T…
20" Diameter, Mini Circle of Track, Aristo Craft Trains, ART11140
Item #: ART11140 3 days $55.99

31" Diameter, Mini Circle of Track for Barrels, Ar…
31" Diameter, Mini Circle of Track for Barrels, Aristo Craft Trains, ART11145
Item #: ART11145 3 days $62.99


Victor Smith said:

20" Diameter, Mini Circle of Track, Aristo Craft T…
20" Diameter, Mini Circle of Track, Aristo Craft Trains, ART11140
Item #: ART11140 3 days $55.99

31" Diameter, Mini Circle of Track for Barrels, Ar…
31" Diameter, Mini Circle of Track for Barrels, Aristo Craft Trains, ART11145
Item #: ART11145 3 days $62.99


Thanks vic I actually found them about 10 dollars cheaper at St Aubins. I ordered a set. I want to make a small micro layout in G scale. I started up again on my ON30 micro but I still like the G scale best. Im thinking for size around 31 inches by 40 inches and maybe add a small siding. to the inside and the outside. To keep it light im probably going to use the foam. Then i can add a small trestle etc… I like your design and how you have so much detail in such a small layout.

Now that is one tight RR. Do not think I could operate on something like that. Just toooooooo small. Later RJD

Some progress pics, finishing up the carved and textured foam on the right hand sideneed to add a couple more bits and caulking before I hit it with the paint.Along the front added carved and textured foam to the front side as well. Next is to do the left side foam scenery, I like the left hand fold down section and am considering adding another on the right hand side that will fold under the tabletop for storage The biggest problem I’m having are the darn low tempuratures, I glue down stuff then have to wait 2 or three days for it to dry completely, makes progress terribly slow. Why do I only seam to be doing this stuff in the middle of winter.

Winter? in CA didn’t know that happened :slight_smile:

Vic you continue to amaze me!


Victor Smith said:
The biggest problem I'm having are the darn low tempuratures, I glue down stuff then have to wait 2 or three days for it to dry completely, makes progress terribly slow. Why do I only seam to be doing this stuff in the middle of winter.
Use a strategically situated heat lamp. That's what I did.

More progress pics, foam at left side done need it to warm up a bit before I can paint. 35F here tonight. Added the other fold down section on the right hand side, I’m back up to 6’-6" wide once again, but I can trim off almost 2 feet to store the layout. I will be doing some wiring it up like a Christmas tree that Trek’s Scotty would be proud of. It will able to run like another part of the layout but I can also isolate the rear line on its own power and will add an LGB auto-reversing unit.

It keeps growing :wink:
Looks like you’re having fun :smiley:

Few updates. I extended the fold down wings on each side to accomodate R1 curves, still folds down and stores in the same space as before, but those 21" dia curves were just way too limiting. Now I can at the least run just about everything still left on my roster.

Now it’s an ‘extra large pizza’ with everything.

Very nice work Vic.

Progress video showing layout to date

That’s great, Victor.
Lota action in a small space.

Nice Vic. Looks like that pizza comes with everything.

Now I know wjat’s been going on on the “other side of the mountain!” Keep up the good work.

Ralph Berg said:
That's great, Victor. Lota action in a small space. Ralph
I agree and a lot of scenery as well. Nice work Vic!