Large Scale Central

Portable Pizza Layout

You need some brighter yellow paint on that submarine Vic. :wink: Looks really kewl!

Who said you need a large layout? Vic that looks great you should do an article for GR on this. It shows what can be done in a small area. Something like that can be created outdoors.

Maybe once its done. I was thinking of trying an article for GR on the Pizza Portable first, as it is complete, I’m reworking the town area on top but that shouldnt take too long to finish up. The biggest thing is that I’m in no real hurry to work on it, just as time allows but no real pushing anymore as I’m still downsizing to make more room for what I’m keeping, thats a bigger priority.

Vic = one of the only guys I know who strive to have one smaller than the rest

Time for an update, well the fold downs turn out to be a real hastle in actual operations, way too much fiddling around with took too long just to get one side set up, so I just left them up, then the misses started fussing about how much room the layout took up and it did take up quite a bit of room so I did some pondering and reevaluation and eventually came up with this reworking Revised right side with fold downs removed, back to original configuration:

Still have a nice outside loop to run bigger equipment on but now have a fixed platform without the hastles of the folddowns or the space problems of the former layout. Plus I can use the outside track as a point to point for the LGB Auto reverser I have and have been trying to intigrate for a while now. This will be getting scenery very soon now.

Victor Smith said:
then the misses started fussing
I've learned to tune out the wife's fussing. In a few years I might even be as good at it as she is ;) Ralph
Ralph Berg said:
Victor Smith said:
then the misses started fussing
I've learned to tune out the wife's fussing. In a few years I might even be as good at it as she is ;) Ralph
You gents did it all wrong. IMHO, the key to a happy marriage is, to marry them young and raise them right. (Man, am I glad my wife doesn't monitor this forum.)
David Hill said:
(Man, am I glad my wife doesn't monitor this forum.)
man, she must be clever, that you don't note her monitoring here...

Had a bit of a disaster the other day, was testing the (badly) rewired track power with HLW Whadahellizit #3 on point pulling the drovers caboose, with the HLW Sparky pulling a short string behind, well the Whada stalled on the switch on the left side and the Sparky rammed it from behind and before I could cut the power the Drovers fell off the side and dragged the Whada over with it, like I said, those link/pins NEVER uncouple…welll after I picked up all the pieces I assessed the damage, overall not too bad, the Whada broke into 3 large chunks plus the bell on the roof and was soon glued back togther with no ill effects, in fact I have to look hard to where it came apart (tough bugger), the drovers was a bit rougher, nothing that cant be ACed back together but the worst part was the the handrails on one of the end platforms broke off completely and will need complete replacement, luckily I have an unused coach kit but I might try sbending some brass ones together instead.

Lesson learned? I have to rework the track power with 2 2-pole switches to allow me to switch between one powerpack to control the loop portion and one to control the auto reverser section, currently there is an overlap in power track control, which the switches will allow me to isolate each into specific control areas , got all the switches, just need to find the extra wire now.

Korm Kormsen said:
David Hill said:
(Man, am I glad my wife doesn't monitor this forum.)
man, she must be clever, that you don't note her monitoring here...
Boys, our mistake was not in giving them the vote. It was not even when we gave them shoes. Our mistake occurred when we taught them to talk. (ducking and running...) . . . . . . . . . . (still running) . . . . . . . . . Aaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh, I'm hit! Go on without me, boys!

to talk?

i heard something about giving a rib.

the story goes, that there was once a lonely guy, let’s call him Addy, who asked his boss for somebody to keep him company.
the boss mentioned the price being an arm and a leg.
sly Addy asked, what he could get for a rib…


Victor Smith said:
Had a bit of a disaster the other day, was testing the (badly) rewired track power with HLW Whadahellizit #3 on point pulling the drovers caboose, with the HLW Sparky pulling a short string behind, well the Whada stalled on the switch on the left side and the Sparky rammed it from behind and before I could cut the power the Drovers fell off the side and dragged the Whada over with it, like I said, those link/pins NEVER uncouple....welll after I picked up all the pieces I assessed the damage, overall not too bad, the Whada broke into 3 large chunks plus the bell on the roof and was soon glued back togther with no ill effects, in fact I have to look hard to where it came apart (tough bugger), the drovers was a bit rougher, nothing that cant be ACed back together but the worst part was the the handrails on one of the end platforms broke off completely and will need complete replacement, luckily I have an unused coach kit but I might try sbending some brass ones together instead.

Lesson learned? I have to rework the track power with 2 2-pole switches to allow me to switch between one powerpack to control the loop portion and one to control the auto reverser section, currently there is an overlap in power track control, which the switches will allow me to isolate each into specific control areas , got all the switches, just need to find the extra wire now.


I got the 2-pole switches installed and aside from one dumb wiring move (connecting a feeder wire to the wrong rail, D’oh!) its now completely operational, next step will be to add the LGB Auto reversing unit to the outside track, if I can find them. Time to clean off everything and fiddle with the foam scenery at the new tunnel portal

Well I tore up the layout today, no wait, that should be I tore everything OFF the layout, and then knocked it over, well tipped it on its side.

The reason for this wonton destructive behavior was so I could remove the 2” wheel castors and replace them with great big honking 4” castors. This was necessary as I have fairly large control joints in my garage slab that the contractor provided with ½” rounded edges, so whenever I rolled the layout around with the 2” castors (price effective at the time) when they hit those joints it was like they dropped into the Grand Canyon! And everything on the layout got a nasty jolt. Well I just got plain sick and tired of it so after a pricey trip to Home Despot, it was off with everything! It took more time to remove everything than it took to knock it over, replace the castors, and tip back upright. But the upshot is that that now not only does the layout roll over the joints with just the slightest of blips, it now turns and rolls with far less resistance, and the deck gained 2 inches in height!

BTW 99% of the stuff is back on the layout :wink:

Victor Smith said:
BTW 99% of the stuff is back on the layout ;)
When will it be done? ;)

Its been a while since I posted anything on this but I have been working on it Some progress pics: The mine completed:

Water tank finally painted and weathered. Gas station begun. Beginning to get the scenery finished. More pics as I work around the layout.

Looking really good Victor. The rust on the tank is perfect :smiley:

I agree with Jon. Nicely done. Vic, May I ask what you used for the balcony railing in the second pic?

Victor Smith said:


Love the mountain goat!!! When will it be done? :wink: