Large Scale Central

Portable Pizza Layout

Does the engine running the 21" circle use a Hartland Mack motor block?
Lookin’ good.

Thanks guys. I’ve got it wired up and am doing scenery now.

Its a Mack alright, LGB Porters and Stainz runs OK, as does most any of the really small two axle stuff, on the 21" circle. pulling is kinda limited, cars should really really be ball bearing type but I’m too poor to have any.

The upper circle is Arist 21" dia, the lower is hand-laid 32" dia. Both are standard 332 code. I made the lower loop the year before Lewis came out with his pizza circles, and beleive me as gratifying as doing the hand lay was, if I had to do it over I would use the ready made track as spiking it down and staying in gauge was a royal PITA.

Everyone has room for a Pizza, even you Tom :wink:

Oh! That’s amazing.

Looks great Vic, now you just need a 12" diameter with a kitbashed Eggliner and you are all set. Just change the name to the Wedding Cake layout! The new trestle is a nice addition too.


Congratulations Vic - A video of your layout made the Garden Railways email newsletter…

The Youtube link (no membership needed)

We might have to ask that the MLS labeled tank be pixel-blurred though :smiley:

Saw your video in the Garden Railways newsletter.

Not sure I do have space for that :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks guys

Tom Trigg in San Diego took that last year at the BTS, I’m hoping to spend a little time finishing this layout up, all thats really left is just ballasting. Looks like after all this work I’ll still have to pass on this years BTS, bummer.

Sure you have room Tom, just think of it as an elaborate side table!

At 3’ square its not hard to find room for something like this. Its mostly making the adjustments to finding rolling stock that will work on it.

I’m hoping this summer to add a extra foot to one side to run a spur onto, but that would require a custom turnout built in place. If I find I have time for it…:wink:

I live in a motel room. I have a dresser about 24 inches deep and two small end tables, and almost enough room to walk between them and the bed.

Now, there is this 3ft round table in my office.

Might be a little iffy at work, one idea would be to use a round wood table top with the track attached w/ no scenery, just set it up when you feel like running something, and lay it flat against the wall or in a closet when you need to store it. I used this for my Xmas tree train track.


thats a 36" dia wood top w/ inexpensive HLW track, but I would recommend the Aristo mini circle as the HLW is a bit loud, even with cork underlay.

Now what you need to do next is to mount the whole thing on a motorized turntable. Once the engine is running, start increasing the speed of the turntable in the opposite direction until the engine appears to remain in the same place…

Matthew (OV)

Or, with that last one, just a ball bearing turntable, and use something to hold the engine back…

Portable Pizza 12

Finally some finished pictures, some misc scenery to add but its 95% completed, I suppose I’ll be adding stuff to it from here on out, as this is likely going to be my only layout for the time being. Thats OK I have lots of ideas to add to this layout, I’m discovering that one really doesnt need a yard or basement full of track to have fun, after all for me its all about the modeling so as long as I have stuff to model I’ll be doing just fine

Video showing work to date

Symphony in motion, Victor.
The rails are creakin’ and groanin’.


I got dizzy watchin’ the movie.


The Feather

New town module underway, 12” x 36” this will act as a storage/display track for trains (unpowered ?), it will be detachable from the main layout. No hurries, will finish it when I can. :wink:


Good stuff Vic. I like

With the demise of my permanant indoor layout, I’ll be focusing on my portable full-time from here on out. Heres the new direction, with the existing portable nested on top so it will still be removable for exhibition. The entire thing will be on rollers so its possible to move it around as well. This plan shows an attachable fiddle track shelf at the rear, still thinking about that. Bit of a big change aint it?

I’m sure your small layout will be an inspiration to many who are likewise short of space.
I have no doubt your layout of a few feet will be just as interesting, if not more interesting, than my larger layout.
Keep up the good work.