Large Scale Central

Pepper's Ice Co. - Devon's 2020 MIK

Looking more like a fur ball!

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From turd to fur ball. . .I am starting to have self esteem/confidence issues.

Rock looks much better, Devon. A little more weathering to provide some color variations like a real rock and I think Jim will give it his seal of approval. The sliding door loos fine. If it were in the wall it would have to be a pocket door. Sliding doors are mounted on the surface of the wall, not in it so you’re good.

Dan Hilyer said:

Rock looks much better, Devon. A little more weathering to provide some color variations like a real rock and I think Jim will give it his seal of approval. The sliding door loos fine. If it were in the wall it would have to be a pocket door. Sliding doors are mounted on the surface of the wall, not in it so you’re good.

Good you didn’t notice then. The door is recessed into the trim not the wall itself. I should have put the entire door proud of the trim. But I once again screwed it up. This door will be the death of me, But it will also be the least visible one. So I think in the long run it will show well.

I got to thinking about the rock and the idea of burying it in the dirt on the layout to blend it in. If I do that then Jim will probably say it looks like a cat turd. One the cat partially buried. lol.

We wouldn’t tease, if we didn’t see the potential plus our knowledge of your skills.

Fuss away, the rock will come.

Hush about the door, only we (the creators) see the glaring faults so.

Is it done yet?

Heck mine isn’t started yet!

Heck, Devon, if you hadn’t pointed it out, i would never have noticed from 3000 miles away (

If jim calls the buried rock a cat turd then you can have a landmark on the RR called Cat Turd Rock. That will generate many a conversation.

Looking way less turd-like, Devon!

BTW: my fertile imagination (where are the ink blots!) now sees the lower half of Yosemite Sam’s face with his mouth wide open.

Can you add a nose and make the mustache a bit longer?


I have to say you have made this project fun. I haven’t been feeling to good and my heart (head) hasn’t been into it. But the “turd”, an after thought a minor detail, has become the best part. From turd to furball, to Yosemite Sam’s mouth. What a hoot. All I wanted to do was hide a 1 square inch solar cell. Who would have thought that would be such fun.

Been sorry to hear you are feeling iffy. Hope Mik is giving you a bit of a distraction. Really enjoying your build, despite my (jesting) complaints :-).

S^*t brick rock.

Devon, having conversation starting names for things on the railroad can be good, or bad. I have “Resignation Bridge” that crosses over “Prostitution Rock”.

I am starting to have self esteem/confidence issues.

Oh yea. Right. Like I don’t have those pangs, being awarded the “badge of shame” or being crowned “King Butt Modeler”.

Suck it up pal, and wear those labels with pride. You are you, and no one else can wear the awards you have earned. (

I wear them with extreme pride. Getting ridiculous titles is a sign of true appreciation.

And the fact that your build log is about3 times the length of anyone else’s,70% comments about other things 25%build information, 5% S&itabrick Rock comments.

Did you ever notice Dan doesn’t put 3 posts all year but come January he is a regular Rooster with post count increases!!! Just kidding Dan!, but we both have layouts, but no pizza oven

Maybe it needs to be called “full of S%^t rock”

So got some decent progress made today. Finished gluing on the 'bama tin. and started the back sliding door.

Dry brushed the turd

That’s it thats all she gets. I also made a Pepper from sculpy clay

And a guy drinking some shine while petting Pepper.

Obviously still some paint work to do on him. I also have the frame work for the upper deck done. Just no pic. Tomorrow will be painting the tin and then installing the upper deck

Nice job on Pepper, Devon. The rock is looking better. I want to see some Alabama rust on that Alabama tin (

The guy and pup are terrific.

Internet issues so pictures will be foreth coming. But here is one to prove I am advancing.

The siding got some rust. Cheap bama tin rusts overnight. Got the roof in but needs some help tacking it down better. Upper deck is also in.

Part of this project, as will be the case with all my outdoor buildings is trying to decide how much age to put on them. For the time I am trying to model buildings would be less than 20-30 years old. So I dont want them too dilapidated but that highly weathered look is what I like. It’s a balancing act.

Devon Sinsley said:

Part of this project, as will be the case with all my outdoor buildings is trying to decide how much age to put on them. For the time I am trying to model buildings would be less than 20-30 years old. So I dont want them too dilapidated but that highly weathered look is what I like. It’s a balancing act.

I thought you were having balance issues already ( you’re gonna add insult to injury (