Large Scale Central

Pepper's Ice Co. - Devon's 2020 MIK

Dan Hilyer said:

Glad you were successful in getting that worked out like you wanted. Sometimes its just simpler to learn by trial and error. You remember those lessons, too. How much bigger is the solar cell? Could you add a cap to the chimney that would be large enough to hold the cell. You remember, Dave “suggested” a cap.

I bet its half again larger. Its not square but rectangle. It just ain’t gonna fit in the chimney no how no way. But that’s okay, the rock is actually plan A and the chimney was just me getting lucky. This little rock will be a cool decorative feature, I think in the long run it will look good. Best part about experimenting is that the lights are a buck, I bought a couple sets of Christmas lights so have a ton of LEDs now and the low voltage meant I could cut the resistors off the picos making them very friendly to use. I can see some serious potential in these. And thanks to Bill he assured me that I can’t mess it up too bad. I learn better by doing than being told how. Cheap hands on experiments.

Okay so I have all but wasted this weekend. I haven’t felt too awesome. But that is neither here nor there. I have been doing anything but my MIK project. I have applied some cheap knock off of Taylor tin, it’s made by some company by the name of Coke and it only gets produced as fast as the workers can drink their bourbon. I think the stuff is made in China, India, Pakistan, or Alabama. . . some third word place like that. But it works. The crew has about half the main building sided in the stuff. They painted the office building and started chiseling the rock for the electrical plant. Might sound like a lot but in reality its diddly. In honor of Mr. King I have tomorrow off so will spend the entire day on my ice house.

I did watch the Conner McGregor/Donald Cerrone fight yesterday and I have to say I would have never considered throwing a left shoulder to the nose as a real thing, an intentional “strike”, but McGregor proved it can be effective if you set it up right. 40 seconds into the first round and McGregor wins by TKO over one of the best fighters in the game. Feet, fists, shoulders, knees, elbows. . . we saw it all, in 40 seconds.

Devon, son, PLEASE, Please tell me you haven’t stooped to drinking bourbon from China, India or Pakistan and I know you’re not drinking any from God’s country because I haven’t sent you any (, if you’re drinking Coke with bourbon, you need a better bourbon (, how can you and the crew be drinking bourbon when you have no ice o go in it, since you haven’t finished the ice house yet ( you spend the entire day on the ice house all you’re going to end up with is a cold ass (

No Dan the Bourbon is made in Kentucky, you know. . .that sate know for its bourbon that is above the state known for its sour mash whiskey that is above that other state that is known for . . . Hmmm. . . gotta be something. . . nope, I got nothin’ (

And while I prefer an excellent bourbon on the rocks, I drink cheap bottom shelf crap stuff that is cheaper by the gallon than the good stuff is by the pint most of the time. And in order to get it to go down with out stripping the flesh off the back of my throat, I drink it with coke.

And as for ice. . .I live in Idaho. We don’t produce bourbon, but it is January and Ice we have.

Hey … we’re known for stuff … most of which can’t be discussed on a family oriented site, though ( your coke money and buy better bourbon. You gotta reach over your head to get the good stuff (

Dan Hilyer said:

You gotta reach over your head to get the good stuff (

I get dizzy when I do that.

I would think you would get dizzy bending over to get the stuff off the bottom shelf (

Dan Hilyer said:

I would think you would get dizzy bending over to get the stuff off the bottom shelf (

At least you’re closer to the floor

Man slow night, Dan isn’t event picking on me.

So I did get some progress made today, fortunately, since I didn’t do much the rest of the long weekend. So first up was to make “the rock” the power plant for the lighting.

So I made a foam form and cut it to fit the solar cell and the electronics. I then shaped it and covered it in Durhamn’s Rock Hard Putty. I will need to sand it and carve some detail into it. It will sit next to the laoding dock.

I used some of that Alabama tin and sided the main building and roofed the office,

I worked on installing the lighting and attempting the best I could to hide the wiring behind details. Nothing is fastened down and can be changed.

Finally, I painted the chimney and made a cap for it. I did the best I could to follow Bill’s lead on painting the chimney. It is a base coat of sand colored camo for the grout, burnt sienna for the main brick color, yellow and white dry brushed on and then used my finger to rub it off and sort of blend it. I like it, but Bill still wins the award for most realistic chimney.

Nice progress on lots of fronts there Devon. Though (to fill in for Dan) your rock looks like something I once saw in a baby’s diaper…

Thanks for the laugh Jim. I got a good chuckle out of that one. I was thinking it looked like a maple bar but I am likeing your description better. Hopefully it will look a little less like S&^t after I can carve some detail into it after the putty fires and I paint it.

Jim Rowson said:

Nice progress on lots of fronts there Devon. Though (to fill in for Dan) your rock looks like something I once saw in a baby’s diaper…

Jim, I think that actually came out of Devon’s Depends (

And, Devon, rest assured that is not Alabama tin otherwise it would look like this:

I like that center tin. I might have to replicate that.

Here is the chimney cap I made with Durham’s water putty. Painted it in the sand camo.

And hopefully Jim will think this looks a little more like a rock and a little less like a turd.

I can see I need to work on my exterior rock manufacturing if I plan to sculpt any more rocks. Its just not the same as working plaster and raw foam like I am used too.

Your putty sculpting on the chimney cap turned out great, Devon. Just bury the rock in a little dirt to make it look like an out cropping, add some weathering and it will look fine.

Good call with dirt, gravel, and pebbles and buried like you suggest and it should blend right in.

It is the color that skews my mind, Devon, and that will change dramatically, I presume. Good sculpting there…

Jeez jim.

I dont know why but that is just dang funny to me. This rock is earning a name

Okay so I have been feeling utterly rotten. At this point I will be happy if I finish. But I am trying to put in at least a little bit of time each day. Not only is this important because I love the MIK each year but it is also going to be a key visual element to the outdoor RR. So I am staying the course as best as I can. Enough whining. I put the final coats of paint on the chimney camp.

I made the front sliding door. I don’t think it looks horrible even though it was put on top of the wall and not in the wall. I still need to put a little detail work into the hardware.

And finally I carved, reputtyed, and started painting S^*t brick rock. I still want to do a little dry brushing. I hope Jim is a little happier. I have decided thaT this project will be a 100% successful win if I can convince Jim that that is a rock and not a turd.