Large Scale Central

Notice, of the preparations for the 2012, Invasion of Friends

Ken Brunt said:
(and. of course, ya got a pretty nice railroad up there, too....;) )
Wait, there's a railroad at Fred's house? I think I spent too much time socializing and not enough time looking around! :)

Bob McCown said:
Wait, there’s a railroad at Fred’s house? I think I spent too much time socializing and not enough time looking around! :slight_smile:


who don’t know that?..:wink:

Paul Norton said:
There are five articles on The Annual American Invasion of Ottawa in the Events Section of the OVGRS web site with hundreds of pictures. A lot of the pictures name the hosts and guests.

All this started with Ken Brunt’s initial visit in '98. After ten years I became a little concerned that “The Invasion” would become old hat and people would begin to drift away; but just the opposite is true. Every year it attracts more guests and just gets better and better. Over the years a lot of friendships have developed, and we look forward to seeing our distant friends every July. It certainly is the highlight of our operating season.

Paul, we did notice you drifting away. But we are glad you decided to continue to participate. When they said you were moving, I thought you were buying the house next to Fred. Oh well, the railroad is big enough.

When there’s a hold up on the railway, it’s usual that Norton guy standing around flapping his yap and keeping someone from doing their job.



Mebbe next year…

Boy, the pressure of the job. It can get to you. Relaxation and union breaks are requirements for happy yard masters.

I would like to go but, I cannot.
I hope you all have a good time.

Jon Radder said:
Took the plunge and made my campground reservations today. We'll be right near Ric at the Rideau River Provincial Park The cancellation fee alone is incentive to make it happen :)
Yesterday I did the math on how cheap it is to RV Camp in Ottawa Vs. just taking the car and staying in a hotel...

Round Trip CVSRy to IPP&W = 1000 Miles

Gas mileage while towing = 8 MPG Vs. Gas mileage alone = 18 MPG (OK it really gets better than 20, but I want to be conservative)

Gasoline Price for Comparison = $4/gallon (we are paying $3.89 for tier 1 this week).

Campground fee for 3 nights = $140 (Approximate - Canadian funds)

So, if we drive 1000 miles pulling the camper we will spend $500 in gas and $140 for the campgrounds; or $640 to make the trip by camper.

On the other hand, driving without the camper would cost only $225 in gas. Figuring $100/night for a hotel (estimating high I hope) would total $525 for the 3 nights or about $115 less.

Of course this doesn’t take into account what I would forfeit if I cancel my prepaid reservation and any savings from food preparation in my own kitchen; but it is an eye opener :slight_smile:

Bottom line. Gas is just too darn expensive! Fred, you need to move the railroad a few hundred miles closer :slight_smile:

Jon - as you know, I live, most of the year, a lot further away than YOU and most of the boys do. So I worked it out from MY POV.

Gas here is currently $9.20 a gallon and my M-B station wagon gets around 42 mpg on a long run [it’s a 3L diesel]. The round trip from my house to Fred’s - assuming a great circle route - is just about 3500 miles each way, plus the usual futz down the river to see Doug, so let’s say a total of 7250 miles @42 mpg.

That’s 173 gallons x $9.20 = $1588.00

The air fare - when we came over last month - was [individually] $980.00, plus the $400 taxi fare to and from our house to London Heathrow, but of course, two of us came over, so that was $2360.00 + the taxi fare = $2760.00.

So for us, driving makes sense.

Or rather, it would, if we didn’t have the Atlantic Ocean to drive over.

tac, ig & The Klamath County Boys

Inneresting math. I wonder what it’d cost to take a train - not you, tac & ig, But Mr Radder, and a cab to the campground…

Darn, if I lived in Ottawa you could camp in my yard or spare room and cook in one of my two kitchens or BBQ! But Toronto is even further from CT…:frowning:

All this reminds me that when school or church groups hold distant functions, they arrange for visitors to bunk in local homes. Would an idea like that gain any traction at all on this forum, I wonder?

Jon Radder said:
Of course this doesn't take into account what I would forfeit if I cancel my prepaid reservation and any savings from food preparation in my own kitchen; but it is an eye opener :)
Now divide the cost of the camper by the number of times you use it ;) Don't forget to add the tags, tax and insurance :) Ralph

Ralph wrote: “Now divide the cost of the camper by the number of times you use it :wink:
Don’t forget to add the tags, tax and insurance”

I did the math once on our travel trailer. Way more cheaper to rent one when you go on a vacation, but ya gotta pay for the convience of having your own with all the stuff we like to have in it. (Not to mention who slept in it last). :wink:

Ralph Berg said:
Now divide the cost of the camper by the number of times you use it ;) Don't forget to add the tags, tax and insurance :) Ralph
I don't dare. It sits idle 99.98% of the time. Since the big layoff over two years ago now it hasn't seen many miles. The first three years we used it a lot - It's been to Ottawa twice, West Virginia once, Buffalo, NY area 3 times, EBT ate least twice and a bunch of shorter trips.

The once plus, the insurance I have lets me take collision off when it will sit for more than 3 weeks, so it saves a bunch on insurance :slight_smile:

I’m not complaining; just was surprised to see how much more it actually costs to camp. The advantages are many…

Having your own bathroom with you as you travel and knowing who slept in the bed last …priceless…

AGREE Jon…the 2:00 AM pee break without having to go outside, having all our own ‘junk’ in the trailer and besides we can leave it packed for the season as well. Get the urge to go camping…add some fresh groceries and more booze and we are off. Priceless. IMHO. :slight_smile:

7 more weeks, fellas…and gals. Hope everyone has their preparations in order.

It’ll be a mixed bag for me…a few friends gone, maybe a few more friends made.

This thing can’t get here quick enough…:wink:

I still need to make hotel reservations…

Andy ? You better get on that PDQ !!!

Randy - Agreed, but I’m talking about while on the road. No public toilets needed as our unit allows full use even with the slide pulled in.

Andy Clarke said:
I still need to make hotel reservations....

OK, reservations are made at the Holiday Inn… We are planning on arriving sometime wednesday evening and departing on Monday Morning…

Which Holiday Inn, and what’d you get for a rate?