I think the hotel Fred was referencing is the Monterey Inn. We stay at the Rideau River Provincial Campground.
Thanks, Ric…I corrected the name…
It might be noted; that the official WELCOMING and BBQ will take place as usual, on Thursday (July19th), at Doug Matheson’s place…starting in the early afternoon with running on his Garden Railroad.
Can’t wait…gonna be a long 3 months…
Bob McCown said:Hey Bob,
Hm. Any issues going across the border either way with a camper in tow? We have a popup, and I don't relish the idea of opening it up going through...
We keep adding to the challenge of crossing the Border. Two years ago, the first year we took the camper and neither the Canadian or US Border Guards showed any interest in our equipment. So last year, we took the camper, the dog and the cat and still nobody cares. We try to make sure we have all our papers in order (papers, you must have your papers) and that includes a special form filled out by our Veternarian that says our critters are safe to travel Internationally. This year we are bringing local brew from the new “Shoal Creek Brewery” and I even know what barn lot the water comes from, so we’ll see if they still let us out and back in.
I’m beginning to think my secret desire is to get in to Canada and not be allowed to return for at least a couple of months as I work my way along the border from east to west trying every little border crossing, until I make my way all the way to the Yukon. Then maybe next year, I could get caught the same way and try to cross by ferry from New Brunswick, P.E. I. or someplace.
I can call Homeland Security for you, if you think that will help.
I wont be able to go.
I don’t have a passout Port.
Hi everyone - newbe to your gt to gather - have reserved camp site at Rideau River PP #33
See you there
Welcome, the more the merrier…
Took the plunge and made my campground reservations today. We’ll be right near Ric at the Rideau River Provincial Park The cancellation fee alone is incentive to make it happen
Took the plunge and made my campground reservations today. We’ll be right near Ric at the Rideau River Provincial Park The cancellation fee alone is incentive to make it happen
Seem’s that I have caught the hic-ups from Fred. Thought I had posted, but it didn’t show up untill I posted a second time :o
Well. This is getting sweeter and sweeter! Love to see old friends back and happy to welcome new ones!!
And you thought you had along waits getting out of Craigleigh before, gonna be a major back-up this year…
…seems to be catching on, Ken…looks like we may have one or two here besides you, this year. Your room is still reserved…!!
Fred Mills said:And who'd a thunk it would turn out to be the event it's turned out to be. Problem is, every year I have new names to try to remember and at this point, that gets harder and harder............;)
....seems to be catching on, Ken.....looks like we may have one or two here besides you, this year. Your room is still reserved.....!!
But, thanks to all the members of the OVGRS, every year it gets better and better, and the rest of us sure appreciate the hospitality and friendships we’ve created over the years.
What Ken said.
Ric Golding said:Maybe someone should take & post mug shots. Anyone got a changeable sign board and letters ? If not, a pad of paper and a Magic marker would do.
What Ken said.
There are five articles on The Annual American Invasion of Ottawa in the Events Section of the OVGRS web site with hundreds of pictures. A lot of the pictures name the hosts and guests.
All this started with Ken Brunt’s initial visit in '98. After ten years I became a little concerned that “The Invasion” would become old hat and people would begin to drift away; but just the opposite is true. Every year it attracts more guests and just gets better and better. Over the years a lot of friendships have developed, and we look forward to seeing our distant friends every July. It certainly is the highlight of our operating season.
Paul Norton said:Paul, you have no one to blame but yourselves. If you guys up there weren't so damn hospitable and didn't put all that time and effort into this thing, it may have become "old hat". Even Fred's neighbors don't seem to mind this "horde" of damyankess that descends on the sleepy little burg of Nepean every year. Some of the more courageous souls even join in on the madness. I just find the whole thing absolutely amazing.............!
All this started with Ken Brunt's initial visit in '98. After ten years I became a little concerned that "The Invasion" would become old hat and people would begin to drift away; but just the opposite is true. Every year it attracts more guests and just gets better and better. Over the years a lot of friendships have developed, and we look forward to seeing our distant friends every July. It certainly is the highlight of our operating season.
(and. of course, ya got a pretty nice railroad up there, too… )