Large Scale Central

New shed

Lou, forget about the Meet & Greet package. Sure, there’ll be the celebrities like prince Harry & his wife there, but there’s no valet parking.

EDIT: reportedly there’s sod-all parking at the venue due to recent turf issues.

Rumour has it that if you upgrade to the Conductor Sing-Along package complete with orchestra. With this package don’t need to worry about finding ShedOps 2024 as there will be a shuttle service from the local train station. Apparently Cliff is in negotiations for Rod Stewart to drive the bus and lead the sing-along. Seating will be under an authentic heritage listed alcove marquee.

I’m totally down with the Fairy Garden! Does Linda read this and if so I would like to help !!
Screw the sod, that fairy garden is screaming for a hosta border behind the red block. You have to have an enchanted hosta forest background to hide the trolls!

If Linda accepts donations then put your ass in the car and come north to the sacred Rooster compound for donations before the winter.

If Linda does not accept donations then get your wallet out. Well actually your gonna have to get that out anyway as I just signed up Linda Jennings at your address for a free catalog by USPS.



But if Linda plants hostas, when the local deer show up she may be embroiled in a hosta situation!


Just get the trolls to distill Loughbrau Trollish Punch.

Best, David Meashey

Thanks, Cliff. This is the view about a month ago, looking back up that same hill.


Thanks Bob.

Folks, like I said, their entry view (coming through that white gate at the top) is “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore” spectacular.

Enquiring Minds


Analysts opening random pages in the LSC WAYBACK MACHINE now suspect the big surprise of ShedOps 2024 will be Operation ShelfOps due to the coincidental findings of a shoulder height window, shelf and retaining wall.

The LargeScale Centralian community is wondering if ROW applications have been made to Linda Jennings or whether she has been spun a yarn.



HAHAA :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:hahhaa :crazy_face:HAaaa[cough]aaa :laughing:haabwaaHAAa!!


PS: And here I was expecting you to comment on what was running through the blue hose, haha!

Laughing gas? :innocent: :sunglasses:

Now that you mentioned the suspicious blue pipe, Cliff. I didn’t want to mention that those boxes look like they are the type designed to be inhumed. I just assumed you had a recent Tupperware party. :jack_o_lantern:

Oooh, nice word.


…and I get blamed for exhuming old threads. It explains your urgent need for revamping your work space.

:vampire:‍♂. :vampire:‍♀ :vampire: VampOps 31, OCT 2024?

It sounds like you have anger issues ? Perhaps you should model Norfolk Southern just for the horsehead logo!

From the Godfather…

: Who’s this Billy Horsehead guy they’re talking about around town?

: Aahhhhhh…He’s from down under.

: Alright , alright so he’s dead right ?

: Nahhhhhh… He ain’t dead he’s just from down under ya’ hear .

Don Leghorn, I wish I had the skills to become the Manimal of the Southern Hemisphere. :horse:

Unfortunately I’m more…:dromedary_camel:


Ever wonder what thief LSC would sound like as a podcast?

I googled a Podcast about Cliff’s Shed on their experimental website. It created a two person podcast summary of ShedOps 2024. (It was the audio equivalent of driving past a bad accident and not being able to look away.)

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digesting this answer…
… i came to te conclusion, that an imported animal, like a kamel would not be fitting.
isn’t there a pic for a duckbill platypus ?

Incredible, Bill… all AI-generated, right? Did you feed it stuff, or did it can the thread and make it all up on its own?

I didn’t do anything but give it the address of this page, and it figured out the rest. As you heard, it made quite a few blaring mistakes, but also was quite insightful in others. It’s an experimental AI website, and I haven’t worked out if it can be tweaked.

It certainly is quite good at explaining very technical pages. I dumped a Massoth manual into it.

It seemed to me though , that it had all the trappings of one of those late night talk shows, where they pretend to all be best mates, but it’s an advert for the guests upcoming movie. I was waiting for them to say Tonight’s ShedOps special guests are Lou, Dave and Bob…

Did you get the feeling that the fake podcasters just :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::kissing_heart::kissing_cat:👩‍❤‍💋‍👨 Rooster? They even nicknamed him!

It’s just amazing. They even interpret photos, with dialogue that wasn’t in the threads!

Yes, errors, but kinda funny. Like having Korm being the one saying “I was left unsupervised.” :smiley:

A nice quote: “It’s like they’re having this online game of chess, each move calculated for the best comedic effect.”

Yes they totally kissed up to Rooster! Says she, re Rooster’s suggesting of hostas in Linda’s fairy garden, “He’s like the fairy godfather of the forum.” Oh yeah, baby! But they kinda missed some other aspects of him… not sure how far I want to go with that though. :grin: :innocent:



And these guys think I have issues??

No you don’t. One thing I’ve learned the short time I’ve been on this forum, Rooster, you are not a quitter!

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