Large Scale Central

New shed

Lou, I totally agree.
It would be so much easier to install than the cupola with the headless rooster :rooster: weathervane.

Am I reading too much into the “headless chook” quote?

“I don’t always pay homage to the Most Interesting Man in Model Railroading, but when I do, I don’t let it go to his head”. -CJ?

I got about the same vane Lou,

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That’s the least of his problems right now! He should be trying to figure out clearance’s for the iron brackets that the government is gonna screw to the side of his shed for the hanging flowering baskets!

Cliff hanging baskets - Copy

Cut the man a little slack ?

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Lou, you made me look.

This costs more than my entire shed project put together (but not as much as the divorce I’d have to pay for if I got it):

On the other end of extremes…

Still pricey but really nice:

I think the one you showed is this one:

A big iron sucker:
32" Aluminum Train Weathervane – Atlantic Flagpole?

Another biggun, real cheap, but the bracket looks flimsy:

This is my fallback though,

The $61 looks like the one I bought. Only it was over 10 years ago and probably cost less.

After moving 5 tons of gravel, putting in some rocks, and generally tidying up, this thing is about done. Other than some sod.


Looking good Cliff :sunglasses:

Thanks Hollywood. :smiley:

Cliff, after catching up on all the work you’ve done with the retaining walls, drainage and fill, I need to go take some pain medicine as it made my back hurt :wink: you and Linda did a great job.

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Snot bad Cliff. It take you a while :kissing:

all that work!
if i would have done it, the result would look like the line of boards and beams on the right side.

but, about of that wooden line:
what is it for? make another stone-row there?

We understand organisers are preparing for unprecedented crowds at ShedOps 2024.

Analysts studying the setup, believe it is for Festival Seating, Korm. Note the pickets going in that are just the right size hold temporary fencing, keeping crowds from getting into the mosh pit.

Apparently it’s taking LargeScale Centralia by storm. Rumours are that there’s even a bigger ShedOps facility under construction in Alabama.

Korm, it’s a (marginally-effective) way to divert some rain water, until the sod is planted and that bare soil is secured.

Thanks for asking. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing: v

thanks for the explanation.


did you answer in American, or in English?
if the first was the case - thanks for the explanation.
in the second case - oh, oh…


Have to agree Korm.

Putting the old sod down is quite different to laying new sod. We could even venture into a in depth discussion of Sod’s Law, but I suspect Cliff might tell us to sod-off.

In any event I need to get back to work the garden or I’ll have done sod-all today.

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Catching up on old posts, it dawned on me what is missing from Cliff’s shed.
If you want us all to come out there to meet, you will need to put in an alcove or we won’t know where to go!

It’s right in front of the door Lou wood deck ready for tables and chairs with room for the time saver if you bring it. :wink: :innocent: :sunglasses:

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