Large Scale Central

NBRR-v4.0: I need a track plan-and I need your help

Cale , is there any reason why the two rocks are positioned where they are ?

If they can be moved , do you have any more ?

You see , being a child myself , I can tell you that it’s really cool to have the trains disappear behind a hill made of rocks (tastefully rendered of course , not just a pile) .

So perhaps you could consider placing a line of rock following along from the right hand one on your photos running parallel to the right hand track . This effectively cuts the layout in two (well , one and a half) and makes for better viewing .

Have you noticed moms and dads at railway model exhibitions saying to the kids “the train will be there in a minute” and seen the delight of the kids when it appears as predicted ?

It may help to alter the centre trackplan slightly to encompass this .

If you don’t do it , I shall put on a tremendous sulk and misbehave at school . So there .


they were the biggest I had and they sit where they landed from the skidsteer bucket (nothing big like that left over). I had initially imagined using the space between them as a tunnel…or at least the start of a tunnel.

I’d like to work in some real sight blocks with trees, tunnels, rocks, etc…nice idea!


That is what I’m shooting for, but think little feet had skewed the track laying there. There is a switch there in the curve with the straight feeding the siding.

bad pic, sorry

Cale , I was looking at the short term , I had not imagined trees being planted before your deadline .

The trees and a tunnel would be very attractive I think ; would you put potted trees there temporarily?

I am sure you will still be working on it until the last minute , so enjoy yourself and send pics , and tempting fate I shall caution you that if you fall off the ladder , do not damage your handiwork .




Cale , I forgot to say , I can’t see anything wrong with your track pattern , in fact I can see you having a lot of good times with it .



My only comment would be to add another cross over between the outside and inside loop allowing train movement either out to in or in to out. Otherwise looks like a fair use of the available space.

Bob C.

Cale Nelson said:

you got me wondering if y’all are just sitting back laughing while I go up and down the ladder…

Well, yea, we’re doing that too, just didn’t wanna make it too obvious…figgered either the legs’ll give out or you’ll see something down there ya can live with…:wink:

Cale, Once you get to the inside loop, there is no reversing, so you would have to back it out to the outside loop

If you were to extend the siding that is just in front of the white rock on over to the other side of the loop you would then be able to reverse direction and drive on out the inside to the outside loop.

removed the switch from the inner loop at rear near Waterfall. Moved to the ‘front’ of the layout on the front stretch in and out as you may be able to see in this pic

Ken Brunt said:

Cale Nelson said:

you got me wondering if y’all are just sitting back laughing while I go up and down the ladder…

Well, yea, we’re doing that too, just didn’t wanna make it too obvious…figgered either the legs’ll give out or you’ll see something down there ya can live with…:wink:

See what you’ve done…No more pics from ladder!

rainy…Crocs are worn to slick bottoms and I didn’t wanna risk it!

Cale ,

I think Ken should send you a set of climbing irons for putting doubt in our minds about your climbing ability



Cale, the last pic… Switch from the inside should be built into the curve using a left hand switch, with the connection to the ouside loop coming off the straight leg…

Same for the other connection further up in the picture… It gives a smooth flow from inside to outside, without having an “S” type curve in it…

Cale Nelson said:

What’s the distance between the car port and the front edge (long parallels)? How much off-set between the LH corner at the carport and the LH corner at the front edge?

HJ the difference from the Front point of the Carport wall there at the 4’ mark as pictured to the ‘front’ corner is about 13’

I think that is what you were asking?


does this look better?

^ Right above here? ^

I think lower , close to were they almost touch.

moved it down a little further, wanna keep some space between to add a station/terminal bldg there

What I’m looking for are the two dimensions marked in red

BTW I base my suggestion on 48"radii and Ar4isto wide turnouts. Curious to know what the radii are in your pictures!?!

the furthest red line on the Left (from left to right) is 13 feet.

the red line front to back is 13’ 6"

I’m not really sure on actual curve size. I bought it all used about 8 years ago and haven’t really sat down and tried to figure what it all is. (sorry)

I do have a handful of large Aristo switches and more R1 switches than I should :slight_smile: