Large Scale Central

My indoor layout

So over the past week I have been adding foam to the layout to get a little elevation. I have not figured it all out yet but i’ll have plenty in place to carve on once I get started…

I have placed a few buildings just to get a feel of the size of things. I may not even use these…

Who said G stood for Garden… Wow that is just awesome. There are some very nice indoor layouts that members have and this one will be top notch. I wish I had the room.

Devon, I went to large scale from HO because I have no room inside to play. It would be nice, and Landrel has a real nice space and a real nice set up taking shape in there, but many of us don’t have that kind of indoor space.

David Maynard said:

Devon, I went to large scale from HO because I have no room inside to play. It would be nice, and Landrel has a real nice space and a real nice set up taking shape in there, but many of us don’t have that kind of indoor space.

Yep, sounds about right. I tried to make indoor layouts work. Started an N scale and then I had kids and had to give up the room. I started and HO layout when I added on but then…well the kids took that room also. Now I am into G (well Fn3 but you know what I mean) because I am going to try and move outdoors to an unused part of side yard…but now my wife is thinking about grand kids that we don’t have yet and how it would make a nice play area (thats what it was for our kids). I am about to build it on the roof. I don’t see anyone taking that from me.(

Guys I feel for you… I have been really blessed with the room I have.

When we built the house we added the full basement. All long knowing that it was going to be my work shop. I have spent my personal hobby money on everything down here so she can’t really justify asking me to give it up. I do have a small 13 x24 part of the basement that is a play room. and a small bathroom with shower. but then again it was all settled prior to us moving in…

But if she really gets mad at me I have almost a complete apartment in my basement if need be. So far I have not had to use it…


I have gotten a little more work done over the past coupe days. I have been working a the top portion of the trestle that the ties will rest on. I had a particle board piece in place as a temporary measure.
To make the new piece I drew a center line around the particle board piece and placed a center nail on each end and in the center.
I had planned on making the whole thing out of cedar but I decided that it would mostly be cover with the ties and I could fake it and just use a cedar end caps and just fake it…

I started by cutting luan plywood in strips. I placed a strip and clamped it to the nails to check the curvature. Once satisfied, i started gluing the stringers to the center piece. I glued 3 pieces on each side,clamping as I went.


Wow, I have not posted here in 2 months . I have agood bit of work done since then… I finished off the base for the trestle and have added a lot more foam to the layout…

Here is a pic form the other end and you can see the foam I have added and that I have started carving on it…

I have been working along on the trestle/ creek area I wanted to get the rock work done so I can get the trestle up and get the trains back to running…

With all the spare foam I have i decided just to built up the rock area with the foam…

looks like you are progressing.

please tell, do you use a heat cutting device, or a knife?

and, why do you have three layers of foam under the riverbed?

nice work ! thanks for posting . . . . .

Very nice. eventually I want to do something in my basement but mainly for my live steam.

Thanks Guys,

The picture of the curve where I have been carving was done with a large kitchen knife. The work in the trestle area was done with a cheap foam cutter. It was supposed to be powered by 2 D size batteries but too weak. So I re-engineered it to work with my 10 amp transformer… I can dial it to the best temp and it cuts really well…

Oh I went 3 layers thick trying to reduce the height of the trestles. When I was building the bench work I just guessed at the height i may have wanted.


Nice progress… Looks great… (

Hehe…Love the re-engineered styro cutter!

The layout looks great as well.

Thanks Guys,

Well I am not really good at rock walls or just not patient enough to take my time. So I went over all of the cut foam with sculpamold and once dry I then painted the whole thing with a sand colored latex. I then went back over the whole thing with ZIP texturing. It turned out Ok…

Then I turned to the creek/River . I cut foam and filled in the sides just like the the trestle area.