I’m voting for this unit myself mainly because of the number.
I would like to see what #12 looks like when “he” turns 12. The color also seems to currently fit with the overall theme of the railroad and could certainly be modified over time. Not to mention it will be an absolute hit for the elders of the family.
Then after the newness wears off he “WILL” decide to add mods like head end power, ditchlites, snow plow, gen set with fancy exhaust stacks, cab crapper, dynamic braking fans and cantilevered radiators with more fans above them along with one or several repaints just like the 1:1 big boys do.
Or he could just acquire another unit or two (for heavy lash ups) leave them in the current paint schemes then just slap Amtrak badging on them and call it done. The boy has enough stickers and if not just have him ring up 1-800-Roo-Ster.
Whats great about that is I’m sure that solid little USA trains unit will survive and can be passed on to his children only so they can do their OWN thing and model AMTRAK