Kid-zilla recently opened a birthday present to find an unpainted NW-2, an item he’d pre-named Ricky in hopes for matching unit for Rocky who arrived at Christmas ( Minimum Curve Radius – Arsitocraft RS-3). Both are family gifts to our resident train nut and the result of a serendipitous find very generous terms of sale!
Ricky took to the rails yesterday in what Kid-zilla calls our “first real doubleheader” to pull a military supply train. Kid-zilla offered the following shots:
No one likes Ricky unpainted. He is considering inventing a Triple O color scheme. He also thought we might be able to match Rocky.
I am dubious about making the war bonnet mask…
My idea for U.S. Navy lasted both seconds. For some reason, he came up with this, too:
Updates as progress merits!
On behalf of Kid-zilla,