Large Scale Central

McCown Freight

I’ve had this Piko freight shed for a number of years. It started inside back in the 80s and got place outside when I started my layout in 2003.

Although it is small, the doors looked about 1:20, so I decided to keep the basic structure. But, I wanted something a bit larger. I don’t have a lot of depth on the siding, but it is fairly long. I replaced the roof with two 30 inch pieces of acrylic and covered these with some cedar shingles I had. That was the tedious part. :wink: The platform was built up from some double wall plastic I had and covered with redwood strips. The model was repainted with some exterior latex paint. The details were glued in place with silicone and it’s ready to go. It’s a bit too messy to put it out today, so you just get the “builder’s” photographs. :wink:

Holy Crap, thats a nice rebuild. I have one of those somewhere, I should do the same thing. WOW, very nice.

I need to do a really big one of those!

Very nice!
I, too, took a pola and re-did it in wood siding, etc.
When it sets out on the layout, no one knows it isn’t a scratched up.

I’m going to do one of those Aristo barns as well, cause the little women won’t let me throw it away!
It looks just like our barn.

Really nice Bruce. Actually looks functional now. The platform on the original was way too small to actually do any work on.

Kewl! Neat idea…mines a Colorado Models brand.



Great kitbash! Thanks for sharing.

I too have one of these and also noted that the doors were nominally correct for 1:20. In fact, when I first looked at your pix, I wondered where you got a picture of my building! I used the exact same two figures to check the building proportions.

Now I’m going to do something similar to mine over this winter. Thanks for the idea.

Happy RRing,


Fantastic! Totally changes the look of that building. I may have to rethink my plans to replace mine.



Wow, that looks so much better, it’s like an entirely different building!

I was wondering what to do with my Aristo freight station!

But I have to ask, why pink?

Steve Featherkile said:
I was wondering what to do with my Aristo freight station!

But I have to ask, why pink?

You might need to adjust the color on your monitor Steve.
It looks red to me.

Ralph Berg said:
Steve Featherkile said:
I was wondering what to do with my Aristo freight station!

But I have to ask, why pink?

You might need to adjust the color on your monitor Steve.
It looks red to me.

That’s too easy, Ralph. Like shooting ducks in a barrel. :lol:

But, I suspect you may be right, um left, er… never mind. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope, HJ’s face looks normal for a Caucasian.

Steve Featherkile said:
Ralph Berg said:
Steve Featherkile said:
I was wondering what to do with my Aristo freight station!

But I have to ask, why pink?

You might need to adjust the color on your monitor Steve.
It looks red to me.

That’s too easy, Ralph. Like shooting ducks in a barrel. :lol:

But, I suspect you may be right, um left, er… never mind. :stuck_out_tongue:

I suspect blue would be a better color :wink:

Looks good, Bruce.

I’d say that color is faded box car red.

Politics threads are that way, stop it now.

Bob McCown said:
Politics threads are that way, stop it now.
Sorry. All in jest. No ill will intended. Ralph

:lol: :stuck_out_tongue:

We was just discussin the color of the siding, honest, Boss!

great job, Bruce…

However, I’m kinda partial to purple, so it matches a certain boxcar I’ve seen in pictures lately…

Actually, it’s brick red. :wink: Anyway, here’s some pictures of it outside.

