Large Scale Central

Loop Rebuild


Looks VERY nice, Bob!

Bob; I do like your engineering construction methods! I can NOT get away with that in the real world! Maybe that is why it takes me so long to get new ROW in operation! I would not run any of my Loco’s on that section of bridge!


So Bob,

Is there concern for frost heave on something like that?

Ric Golding said:
So Bob,

Is there concern for frost heave on something like that?

Why would there be?

Shouldnt be. Most of my yard is glacial till (sand and rock) so it drains real well, and doesnt heave. Plus the rocks, block and concrete will be underground by about two feet when all is said and done, so probably fairly stable.

It’s gonna float Ric and the ladder should handle it quite well from my own experience

Did a bunch of work on the upper loop rebuild today. Bulit some stone wall, and a PT timber retaining wall.




Dug and hauled about 20 wheelbarrow loads of fill from the side yard.


And then I built some more wall near the lower loop.


The bricks are for the end pier for the big trestle. It will be placed about a foot to the left of that 4x4 post in the picture. Multi-layer wall here with openings for plants is planned for beyond the end pier. We’ll see how that works out.

Had a nice day for it. I spread about 12 bags of mulch around the layout.
You should have left that tree stump a bit higher. It would make a good spot to sit and watch the trains…:wink:
I know my ass would be planted on it after moving all that rock around…:wink:

I am thinking of having a bench or something there, since it is a sort of obvious ‘sit here’ place…

Since the monsoons have moved in, I spent a bit of time experimenting with some scrap Sintra and styrene, to see how to do the girders. This will work out nicely.


Some more rivet strips and a coat of paint should do nicely.

Nice. Just make sure that there’s a good bond on that curved piece!

Heated it with the heat gun to help it bend. Im thinking of reinforcing it on the inside with some angle, since you wont really see it. Plus only the very ends of the whole thing will be rounded. The interim ones will be squared off


Bob, can you do some close ups of the switch in the stump, paying close attention to the underside supports? Thanks.

Looks like tuf board or trimplank to me Steve?

Looks to me like the underside is supported by a stump… :slight_smile:

First, a couple shots of the switch for Steve. Its one of my early hand laid experiments, cedar ties on spline with a PT spacer underneath. Still holding up, but it was on a siding, not mainline service.

