Large Scale Central

Loop Rebuild

Rebuilding the upper and lower loops of the RR, I had an insight that will both allow better foot traffic flow, less “Fill this in with dirt” areas, and also have a couple of ground-level access points should I ever want to expand across the yard to the other fence. First up is rebuilding the upper loop. You may recall from this past spring, I increased the radius of the loop. Unfortunately, that left me with some sections 3+ feet in the air. Here’s the OLD track plan of both loops.

You might notice that the heights, and the total vertical climb, is only about 18". Both loops were contrived a bit, with some “going up to here, then going down to there”, when I had actually thought I needed both loops to climb. I started to notice this when I put in the bridge over the track at Majestic, both ends of the approaches were going up. So, a bit of puzzling, and I came up with this design. Trains still travel about the same amount of track (about 10 feet less), and gain the same altitude, but the layout is a bit different, and I dont have the upper loop to fill/grade/wall/trestle/etc.

This weekend is a bonus weekend, in the 60s. Today I rebuilt the spline for the new “upper” loop, which is now the trackwork from “B” to “C” in the above drawing.



You can see in the upper right of this picture is where the new track will go over. (brick stacks with 2x8 and cordless drill). That’ll probably be a 3-4 foot tunnel.


Most of that will get filled to grade. The downhill bit will have rock work to support the fill, but only about 15". The last picture also shows the changed walkway. It moved a bit to give the new approach (The yellow bits in the drawing) some space.

Nice. The new design looks much more interesting.

Bob I think the new design flows a little better too.

Very Interesting layout… nice work… Keep up the photos…

Look at all them there trees. What we need is a good storm :wink: :wink: :wink:

Good to see the damage from the last storm is gone. The whole weekend looks good Bob.

Looks good Bob. I was having a bit of trouble placing it without your new abutments shown :slight_smile:

Dave Marconi said:
Looks good Bob. I was having a bit of trouble placing it without your new abutments shown :)
Yea, I was having a bit of trouble there too, getting oriented, and I've been up there a few times. It's a definite improvement since it "flows" better and with less grades, less wear and tear on the equipment. Surprising that with all of us up there using it we didn't see it, but, then again, we weren't rally looking at it that close. Now Bruce's engines won't have that far to fall............;)

I like the broader curves!

What a great day in New England for working outside ! Tomorrow is supposed to be even better.

I’m kind of stuck along with Dave picturing where this is going, but I like the idea.

I see viaduct pieces

Looking good. Is that tree stump going to be a building?

Doug Arnold said:
Looking good. Is that tree stump going to be a building?
Maybe paint it silver and it can be a water tower

Or a roost for the “Rooster”? Sorry I just couldn’t hold back, hehehe.

The tower works but a place for Rooster might encourage him ti stay!

Today’s work. About 6 feet of rock wall, and 2-3 yards of fill moved.


If you look between the fill and the stump on the left of the picture, you get an idea of how much fill is needed here. Probably another 4 yards.

Better view of the fill, and the wall
