Large Scale Central

Loop Rebuild

Get your work done while the weather holds. You are warmer than the California desert and that can’t last!

Tomorrow and monday are supposed to be nice, but I have to work mon, so tomorrow is it!

15 ton and what do you get! Nice work Bob, I feel the aches :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Bob, the rebuild is looking good…

Renamed the thread Today I got the spline for the rest of the lower loop in place. Its up on temporary legs to get the line and leveling set, and Itll end up on its permanent legs hopefully some time this week. First shot is across the yard from Pearce, with Majestic on the left. Doesn’t look too different from here.


Here’s the view from the far right, looking back across the new loop, up toward Burke and Franklin Falls. The loop goes to the left of the stump of the tree, whereas before it went to the right.


Standing up behind the colliery at Majestic, looking over the bridge to the new track.


Looking from the middle of the ‘upper loop’ area, down toward the loop, with Majestic on the right. The 2x8 temporary bridge here will be a tunnel 3-4 feet long, and the stacks of bricks mark a viaduct, with a passing siding and an industry or two.


A lot of work even for a long weekend. Are you going to be able to get out of bed in the morning?

Nice. I really like that truss bridge, too.

Really coming along. Having the new bridge in the pics, and the camera location told, does help locate the changes.


Your moving right along!

Looking good, I like it

Looks great Bob,
Is that really all going to be back filled?
That would be/is going to be a lot of
wheel barrow loads.

The new upper loop replacement will be backfilled, and have a stone wall on the downhill side. About 15 more wheelbarrow loads, my guess. The lower loop will get some fill, but not all the way up, at least not on the tallest part. The bit by the tunnel will have fill.

nice work. I like the brick supports you did for the metal bridge.

You made great progress this weekend and I’m glad you were able to get out of bed this morning!

Like Phoenix out of the fire it rises. I hope you got the boy to do a lot of the heavy hauling. Good work for the soul.

Yep, Will was here over Thanksgiving, and he hauled dirt while I moved rocks. He’s 6-1 now, but only weighs about 120# soaking wet. His words about halfway through the day, when wheeling over yet another load of dirt. “I need to work out!”