Large Scale Central

Kid-zilla vs. Bachmann...A Story of Dad Learning to Let Go

The MIK is behind us, and Kid-zilla has determined that his next project will be to transform a pile of Bachmann 10-wheeler bits from @Rooster , @PeterT , probably @David_Marconi_FOGCH , the Hawaii Historical Railroad, and probably other places into a working 10-wheeler. He already started gathering the bits on the lanai…

…and he has been dutifully restoring a non-B’mann tender to its former glory through the use of a paint marker.

He has asked me to note he did this work without masking!

Last year, we worked side by side to make his Starliners ( Triple O – Bachmann 10-Wheeler Salvage Campaign). This year, I am going to try really, really hard to step back into an advisory role. As such, I will be documenting his progress as I see it, not necessarily as he does it. My main effort will be on safety with a secondary effort on success. My goal is to not touch a tool or paint brush.

I am sure he can see his goal of bringing this beast to life through to completion. I know I will struggle to see my train buddy strike out on his own.

Updates as I catch them!



Gotta ask when will Kid-Z be acquiring that new parcel of land for the roundhouse he needs for all the motive power he has acquired over the last couple of years?
I’m looking forward to the build to start.
Seems CINChouse may be in for a round of negotiations to commence as the new year unfolds. The take over at the triple O seems well on it’s way. :smirk: :innocent: :smiley: :sunglasses:
As always YMMV JMHO