Large Scale Central

I'm out

I checked into the block user command, it appears just to block private messages. I would like to have what I have on MLS, the ability to not even see posts from a particular user.

It’s great, and I have it in use for one particular person and it keeps me from fighting with him on the forum. I know I should be able to rise above it, but sometimes there are people who really are actively after you as opposed to just making a mistake without malice.

So Bob, it might be a very useful feature and help keep things more harmonious.


Bob McCown said:

Wow, I go away for a few days…

That said, I’m glad you’ve decided to sick around. If you want, Ill send over my plans for my “Ah, right, he’s an asshole” filter.

Geez, Bob, if you offer that filter, no one will see my posts! (

Dan- I’m glad you stuck around. Hey… can you see this post? Anybody? Hello…??? (


Glade your sticking around Dan. As mentioned life to short to worry about some idiot post. Later RJD

Hey, I just got started in G and have been looking at my backyard in a whole new light. I’m pretty alone in this hobby having no shops around here anymore. I have received a lot of good advice on these forums in a short amount of time. I hate to hear of discontent but have already had some comments that I felt were somewhat disagreeable to my questions. Some people seem to want to "show off " on these forums. Thanks to those who have been so helpful-Keep on truckin-Phil Nymark

How can you have “had comments that were disagreeable to your questions” on this forum if this is your first post here?

Think he may have meant… on other fora Greg.

Yep, that is the only possibility, but a pretty poor introduction on your first post on THIS forum.

You normally want your first post to be “Hi”, not complaining about answers to your posts on other forums.


And this is an issue because…???

Phil Nymark said:

I hate to hear of discontent but have already had some comments that I felt were somewhat disagreeable to my questions.

Not trying to stir a pot here, but since your first post itself is kinda a pot stirrer I doubt you will mind. How do you reconcile the above statement? If you ask a genuine question, seeking all possible solutions, how can the answer be disagreeable unless you already have a preconceived notion of what the answer should be? I have asked many question on here where I have already formulated my own solution but I ask it in case there is a better way I hadn’t thought of. If the answer is something contrary to what I was thinking, or I don’t like after it is given, I don’t qualify it as disagreeable I just simply reject said answer. To me all answers to my questions are welcome.

Even in cases such as the catalyst for this conversation where a clear question was asked and a answer that really didn’t address the question was given, it is still a solution to the question and one that if need be could be dismissed because it wasn’t the best solution.

Point is if your asking questions and receiving disagreeable answers then maybe your either asking the wrong questions or are really expecting verification or affirmation of a decision already made.

Instead of asking “what will work?” and expecting to receive the answer you already have decided on, maybe the question should be “will this work?”

When I ask questions I expect and respect all solutions. Even the ones I discard.

Now some people are just asses and respond simply to piss people off, that does happen, but often times this is just not the case. Some people are blunt and a little rough and they are misunderstood in written word.

Welcome to LSC, we are a great family and like all families we don’t always get along all of the time with everybody and once in a while a pissing match breaks out. Truth be told there are very few that are not here to help in every way they can. Even the gruff grumpy ones like John C.(

Devon Sinsley said:

Point is if your asking questions and receiving disagreeable answers then maybe your either asking the wrong questions or are really expecting verification or affirmation of a decision already made.

Devon, often times that is what some people do. No, I am not saying that is what Phil did, but I have dealt with that behavior in person and online quite often. I am like you Devon, if I ask, I want input, not criticism, on the hows and whys of the different options available to me. There are many solutions to most problems, and some solutions will work better for some folks then others. That doesn’t necessarily make a solution a bad one, if it won’t work for me because of other considerations. But the one answer that does get under my skin is the “you don’t want to do that.” with no explanation as to why not. If I shouldn’t do something, then there is a reason why, tell me what that is. To just dismiss my idea without explanation, is frustrating and annoying to me. As is constantly being told that I am doing it wrong. If it works, and has been working for me, then how can it be wrong?

I typically try to enumerate the reasons behind any advise I give. And if I haven’t tried or won’t try something, I won’t suggest it, nor dismiss it. I wish others would do the same.

Todd Brody said:

I typically try to enumerate the reasons behind any advise I give. And if I haven’t tried or won’t try something, I won’t suggest it, nor dismiss it. I wish others would do the same.

Todd said: enumerate



David Maynard said:

But the one answer that does get under my skin is the “you don’t want to do that.” with no explanation as to why not. If I shouldn’t do something, then there is a reason why, tell me what that is.

Yes I agree this is not only annoying but it is also not helpful. I don’ mind at all being told I am wrong if indeed I am wrong but I need to know why.

And just to set the record straight, in case it got bent, I didn’t mean to accuse Phil of anything. I have never had a dealing with Phil nor has he asked or answered any questions on here at all. I was just going off what he ha experienced elsewhere and used it to open a more general idea or problem of people asking a question to which they already have an answer and then get mad when someone offers an alternative or “better” solution.
I am not meaning to say Phil has ever done this since I don’t know him or have ever seen any other posts by him.

So Phil I apologize if that seemed like and attack, it was not meant to be.

I probably need to choose my words better. Written communication can be a difficult way to get a point across as many people expressed. There are a number of forums in which some really knowledgeable folks can help a person such as myself learn the ins and outs of a new scale. Thanks to all for the insight.

Phil Nymark said:

Hey, I just got started in G and have been looking at my backyard in a whole new light. I’m pretty alone in this hobby having no shops around here anymore. I have received a lot of good advice on these forums in a short amount of time. I hate to hear of discontent but have already had some comments that I felt were somewhat disagreeable to my questions. Some people seem to want to "show off " on these forums. Thanks to those who have been so helpful-Keep on truckin-Phil Nymark

You should find the Redwood Empire Garden RR Society. They are in your area, and clubs offer a lot more than arguments over the number of angels who can dance on a sand dome! Camaraderie, sources of cheap track, locos, cars. Good advice about what to plant, how to build mountains and fountains and trestles. You might find time in July to attend the Convention, with is being held in San Jose by BAGRS. Lots of layouts to see!

I’m not affiliated with BAGRS, but am the President of the Sacramento Valley Garden Railway Society.

Phil Nymark said:

Hey, I just got started in G and have been looking at my backyard in a whole new light. I’m pretty alone in this hobby having no shops around here anymore. I have received a lot of good advice on these forums in a short amount of time. I hate to hear of discontent but have already had some comments that I felt were somewhat disagreeable to my questions. Some people seem to want to "show off " on these forums. Thanks to those who have been so helpful-Keep on truckin-Phil Nymark

You should find the Redwood Empire Garden RR Society. They are in your area, and clubs offer a lot more than arguments over the number of angels who can dance on a sand dome! Camaraderie, sources of cheap track, locos, cars. Good advice about what to plant, how to build mountains and fountains and trestles. You might find time in July to attend the Convention, with is being held in San Jose by BAGRS. Lots of layouts to see!

I’m not affiliated with BAGRS, but am the President of the Sacramento Valley Garden Railway Society.

Hey Dick, Thanks for that info.I’m in Santa Rosa and would like to take a trip over to Sacramento to visit the SVGRS as well as get to know the Redwood Empire folks and the BAGRS. I was reading posts about putting decoders in K-27’s and related topics and felt a bit lost with a lot of the technical aspects of G scale. It would really help me to have a meet and greet and get to know some fellow G scalers. Much appreciated-Phil Nymark

I also wanted to add that the aspects of garden RR you mentioned are the biggest attraction for me. Being outside and working in my yard, trees, plants, mountains, trestles, waterfalls… G scale is a whole new world of model RR. Getting started at the beginning of winter is a little frustrating as I can’t just run out a get my Shay going due to rain(which of course we need out here in CA.) However, I also have the tendency to rush into things so the winter will slow me down to think what I really want to do and give me a chance to see some local garden RRs. Thanks Mr. Friedman-Phil

A little story from old Europe, concerning the passing, or otherwise, of information.

The rabbi of a small Jewish community was renowned for his wit and wisdom. Never an issue came to his attention that wasn’t solved amicably, the previous antagonists going off, chuckling to themselves, as to how ridiculous their former argument had really been.

It came as no real surprise when one Friday in the little synagogue, the rabbi advised them all to be there for the next Shabbat, as he had an item of great import to reveal to them.

The following week the little temple was packed, and after the service was done, came the time for weekly announcements - all eyes were on the rabbi as he climbed up the steps into the pulpit and began to speak. ‘I have it in mind that you all know what I have to say to you this Shabbat, nu?’

The spokesman for the congregation, one Shmuel Lippblatt, cleared his throat, and replied, ‘Well, to tell the truth, rabbi, none of us here have got a clue what you are going to talk about.’

‘What? You have NO idea? AZOY! What a bunch of momzers! I’m not wasting my time with you ignoramuses tonight, I’m gone’ And he was. The congregation left, muttering, one mutterer in particular being Mr Lippblatt. 'I’ll fix him next week, he said aside to one of his cronies, ‘just leave it to me.’

The following week more or less followed the previous week with regard to the Rabbi and his announcement, except that this time, Mr Lipblatt stood up and replied ‘Well, Rabbi, it so happens that ALL of us here know what you are going to talk about.’

‘Hmmm, I see’, noted the rabbi, stroking his beard, ‘in that case, no more time needs be wasted this evening - go home and Shabbat Shalom to you all.’

The following week was the last Friday before Passover, and naturally, the congregation was still puzzled about what the rabbi had to tell them about. Lippblatt had a cunning plan - and this time, when the rabbi asked them if they had the faintest inkling what he was going to talk about, Lippblatt drew himself up and offered his final effort -‘Well, Rabbi, it’s like this. Y’see, SOME of us here know what you are going to talk about, and then again, SOME of us don’t.’

'Ahah!, said the rabbi with a triumphant air - ‘In THAT case, let those who DO know tell those that don’t! Shabbat Shalom!’

So it is with information here - those who DO know tell those that DON’T.


Mount Gleep Synagogue and Community Assembly