A little story from old Europe, concerning the passing, or otherwise, of information.
The rabbi of a small Jewish community was renowned for his wit and wisdom. Never an issue came to his attention that wasn’t solved amicably, the previous antagonists going off, chuckling to themselves, as to how ridiculous their former argument had really been.
It came as no real surprise when one Friday in the little synagogue, the rabbi advised them all to be there for the next Shabbat, as he had an item of great import to reveal to them.
The following week the little temple was packed, and after the service was done, came the time for weekly announcements - all eyes were on the rabbi as he climbed up the steps into the pulpit and began to speak. ‘I have it in mind that you all know what I have to say to you this Shabbat, nu?’
The spokesman for the congregation, one Shmuel Lippblatt, cleared his throat, and replied, ‘Well, to tell the truth, rabbi, none of us here have got a clue what you are going to talk about.’
‘What? You have NO idea? AZOY! What a bunch of momzers! I’m not wasting my time with you ignoramuses tonight, I’m gone’ And he was. The congregation left, muttering, one mutterer in particular being Mr Lippblatt. 'I’ll fix him next week, he said aside to one of his cronies, ‘just leave it to me.’
The following week more or less followed the previous week with regard to the Rabbi and his announcement, except that this time, Mr Lipblatt stood up and replied ‘Well, Rabbi, it so happens that ALL of us here know what you are going to talk about.’
‘Hmmm, I see’, noted the rabbi, stroking his beard, ‘in that case, no more time needs be wasted this evening - go home and Shabbat Shalom to you all.’
The following week was the last Friday before Passover, and naturally, the congregation was still puzzled about what the rabbi had to tell them about. Lippblatt had a cunning plan - and this time, when the rabbi asked them if they had the faintest inkling what he was going to talk about, Lippblatt drew himself up and offered his final effort -‘Well, Rabbi, it’s like this. Y’see, SOME of us here know what you are going to talk about, and then again, SOME of us don’t.’
'Ahah!, said the rabbi with a triumphant air - ‘In THAT case, let those who DO know tell those that don’t! Shabbat Shalom!’
So it is with information here - those who DO know tell those that DON’T.
Mount Gleep Synagogue and Community Assembly