Large Scale Central

I'm out

Anybody who leaves this great community of ours just because someone said something to them, or rubs them the wrong way, has lost perspective and being foolish. There, I said it. If you want to let a bad apple control your life, then I guess you leave. We all have a better choice: take the good and ignore the bad. And there’s a thousand times more good than bad.

That’s my opinion and it’s been my opinion through a few of these “I’m leaving because somebody offended me” incidents.


I was avoiding chiming in. Really didn’t know what to say and as one who still considers themselves a newbie to this group doubt I have earned the right. But let me say this “I agree”. I agree that I don’t want to see you go Dan. I agree that some on here rub some others the wrong way here. I agree that just because some don’t get along doesn’t mean that there aren’t far more that we do get along with. I agree that it is somewhat thin skinned to leave a great forum because of a few. I also agree that many times the internet is a horrible place to try and interpret emotion. I agree there are two sides to every story.

I didn’t miss the original thread that set this off. I see why Dan is pissed. I also see where the “antagonists” are coming from. Two sides. I have seen some good people leave because of the comments of others. I have seen some good people booted because they were rough around the edges and abrasive but offered a lot to the community otherwise. Hell one of my favorite people on here is John C. and we started of on MLS in small skirmish where he called me out and I pushed back. Now We have omething to poke each other over. Another one here is one I have come to respect very well, Greg, and he damn near rubs everyone wrong at some point or another but he is a wealth of knowledge and at the end of the day will bend over backward to help each one of us (I owe him a great personal thank you). Heck I even liked Hans.

So while we might say something that is misunderstood (which I do believe Dan did) and others may respond in a less that tender way, why let it bother us. Lets forgive and forget and move on.

Even in the best of communications between people, the written word has a hard time conveying emotion, concern, truthfulness, etc.

Now take that weakness and apply it to our forum where not everyone is a master speller, people are from all walks of life, people are passionate, and, well face it, many people are older and can be grouches, and opinionated.

These are forums, and there will be opinions, spats, feuds, etc. In the long run people figure out who is a good guy and who is just a troll. People compromise a little and get along, or go off in a huff.

Stick around Dan, nothing is perfect, don’t let the little stuff bother you.


I’ll just add my vote for “please stay!”

All of your support is certainly appreciated. Perhaps I was a bit hasty. Rather than pull my membership now, I have decided to let things cool down. It wasn’t one particular incident that prompted my initial decision, but rather a series of them throughout the years I have been here. It wasn’t even that they were aimed at me personally, rather that a very small number of members have brought the mood of the entire forum down.

Glad yur stickin 'round

Greg Elmassian said:

many people are older and can be grouches, and opinionated.

Do I have to wait til I am older?

No, I insist you join me in grouchdom immediately! (

Devon Sinsley said:

Heck I even liked Hans.

Now you’ve gone too far! (Just kidding!)

Hi Dan, glad your sticking around. Check with Bob about that "Block Member" item. I remember it being a new thing last upgrade.

Great Dan, So this means that I can sign you up for this years Mik’s Build Challenge, Right?

Dear Dan,

I used to belong to a forum that required a yearly membership fee. When I expressed my displeasure with the sarcasm of one of their members, my membership was cancelled and money refunded. At the time I was sorry that I had put my displeasure in writing. That forum is no longer here and I am. Please reconsider. Regards, Dennis.

Gad to hear that Dan!

well, Dan, weren’t you one of the guys, who told me in many multy-silable words, to ignore a certain type of participants, when i was as fed up as you are now?

Devon, you really did cross the line.

feel yourself being ignored by me. at least untill wendsday evening.

Devon Sinsley said:

Greg Elmassian said:

many people are older and can be grouches, and opinionated.

Do I have to wait til I am older?

You’re growing into it just fine, no need to rush! Enjoy the nuances!(


Wow, I go away for a few days…

That said, I’m glad you’ve decided to sick around. If you want, Ill send over my plans for my “Ah, right, he’s an asshole” filter. I just ignore people that get on my nerves, even if their comments are directed at me. Life is too short to take peoples opinions personally, especially people I only know on a forum. We have a great bunch of knowledgeable people.

This, from Bob.

At least you’ve never had a death threat, as I did on a UK-based large-scale forum, now defunct. And that was simply because I remarked on the deadly seriousness applied by some folks when receiving a big red box with green and white stripes on it…and the drools accompanying the sacred ritual of ‘unboxing’.


Ottawa Valley GRS

Dan Padova said:

All of your support is certainly appreciated. Perhaps I was a bit hasty. Rather than pull my membership now, I have decided to let things cool down. It wasn’t one particular incident that prompted my initial decision, but rather a series of them throughout the years I have been here. It wasn’t even that they were aimed at me personally, rather that a very small number of members have brought the mood of the entire forum down.

Dan, even though the ( I believe ) members in question now seem to desire to play ‘laugh it off as a misunderstanding’, I am glad you have decided to stay on board and work past this as a few of us have done.

Dan, glad you are sticking it out. I gave up ulcers of other’s garbage a long time ago. When something like that happens, in a little corner of your mind, take that scrap of garbage paper and toss it in the can, and forget it ever happend. You will be amazed at how little it meant in the real world in the first place.

Korm Kormsen said:

Devon, you really did cross the line.

feel yourself being ignored by me. at least untill wendsday evening.

I don’t think I have ever been shunned before. And until Wednesday no less. That’s long time.