Large Scale Central

I'm out

So far, on this posting, there are over 3,000 responses to the announced leaving and decision to return.

That’s a hefty indication of reader interest in the value of this site and encouraging contributors to ignore errant comments.

My opinion is what we are focusing on is favoring the criteria of how someone responds in addition to the truth or falsity of their response . Using this forum to express disagreement is a public event and as the “public” we can make a public response to anyone who is purposefully depreciative of any contributor. The challenge in doing so is to not replicated the language of those we admonish.

Further, I don’t think helpful is the apparent ability of a single reader to change the “respected” titles of a contributor - which then automatically changes ALL previous and future ratings of that individual. To reclassify the past is not fair nor accurate. I find this a secondary and indirect way of indicating disagreement with the person posting and NOT a statement of inappropriate language or intent. Yes, this happened to me and a private request as to why remains unanswered.

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I’m out 61 / 3,309 1 hour ago by Wendell Hanks
1 2 3 4

Looks like 61 postings and 3,000 views but…

…all about a guy that threatens to leave, and is hauled back, and hasn’t posted much since…egads, elsewhere in the NEWS…there was a guy that up and left, for no apparent reason that made any sense, and a few went out of their way to try to get him back, and now it’s almost like a “Second coming”…Meanwhile there are a whole raft of people that have come …AND gone quietly, who used to contribute quality knowledge, for everyone to enjoy, and not a word is spoken of their departure…

YES, every member is important, but like everywhere else…some seem MORE important to some, than others…

There are a few that try to appreciate everyone, and often get bogged down in being human, forgetting that others have feelings that can be hurt, without any intent from others…and nothing will ever be perfect for everyone.

Fred Mills, BSc, BS, SD (Hons) said:

There are a few that try to appreciate everyone, and often get bogged down in being human, forgetting that others have feelings that can be hurt, without any intent from others…and nothing will ever be perfect for everyone.

Welcome Kevin

Kevin, welcome. And yes, I have seen that. And, elsewhere, I have seen people leave because of false statements made about someone who did not leave. We all need to stop and take a breath sometimes, and realize, not all we read is all that was meant.

God grant me the serenity to accept things I can not change, the courage to change things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference

Fred Mills, BSc, BS, SD (Hons) said:

…Meanwhile there are a whole raft of people that have come …AND gone quietly, who used to contribute quality knowledge, for everyone to enjoy, and not a word is spoken of their departure…

I can attest to that, Fred. I didn’t post for about seven or eight months after my first Challenge for reasons that had nothing to do with the forum and no one noticed that I know of.

Ken Brunt said:

God grant me the serenity to accept things I can not change, the courage to change things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference

I thought it was the wisdom to hide the bodies of those that pissed me off.

that can be substituted, if need be…(

I’m “in and out”. I follow threads that interest me and I don’t that don’t. Simple.

Hell, I’m almost 70 and still like AC/DC. The band, not track power. :slight_smile:


David Maynard said:

Kevin, welcome. And yes, I have seen that. And, elsewhere, I have seen people leave because of false statements made about someone who did not leave. We all need to stop and take a breath sometimes, and realize, not all we read is all that was meant.

You upset Kevin and made him leave Maynard!

Dan Padova said:

I’ve known for some time that these forums have many members that cannot tolerate different opinions. Nor are they able to understand humor. So I am officially removing my membership from Large Scale Central.

Edit: Because this is all Maynard’s fault and I think Devon might be the Devil on his shoulder.
